MicSem Publications

Statistics on Education in Micronesia

by Francis X. Hezel, S.J.

2000 Education

Statistics on Education in Micronesia
Francis X. Hezel, SJ MicSem Articles | education

The following lists of ranked schools are based on test results for as many years past as are available, using as many standardized tests as are given. When consulting these statistics, be cautious about equating test scores with the quality of a school. They are indicators of quality, but they are not the only indicators. For further explanation of these statistics, consult the article they were based upon, "How Good Are Our Schools?".

MicSem Education Statistics on Micronesia

Federated States of Micronesia Education Statistics:

Republic of the Marshall Islands Education Statistics:

Republic of Palau Education Statsistics:

Micronesia Regional Education Statistics:

FSM Elementary Schools:


Avg Score 95 96 97 98 99 00
Mechetiw, Weno 83

89 65 84 82 85
Peniata, Wonei 81

69 88 83 85 91
Moch, Mortlocks 78

91 69 88 66 71
St. Cecilia 75

73 74 81 77 74
Sapetiw, Wonei 73

52 81 70 90 58
Pwene, Fefan 73

66 79 68 61 74
Likinioch, Mortlocks 71

76 64 84 69 61
SDA 69

59 85 84 72 67
Berea 68

66 74 73 63 69
St. Julia 64

55 71 57 70 68
Sino Memorial, Tonoas 63

68 70 69 53 57
Iras, Weno 63

77 70 66 58 59
Namoluk, Mortlocks 62

71 40 79 63 45
Munien, Tol 59

72 67 56 44 43
UFO, Fefan 58

44 66 67 50 64
Satawan 57 56 47 88 44 69 37
Faro, Tol 54

44 --- 67 49 51
Kuchua, Uman 53

54 33 58 52 51
Ettal 53

42 68 58 48 50
Ta 50

42 70 54 43 45
Wineifei, Tol 50

76 67 31 44 14
Kuttu 49

48 48 44 45 52
West Fefan 48

53 49 40 49 43
Fono 47

36 44 57 44 28
Fananu 46

--- 16 32 76 ---
Messa, Fefan 46 30 48 53 33 44 65
Kuchua 45

37 50 48 36 51
Polowat 44

--- --- --- 25 26
Nomwin 44

--- 49 16 30 ---
Sapota, Paata 43

71 7 --- --- 75
Oneop 43

41 46 41 53 41
Mwan 42

36 28 46 46 51
Nama 42

48 42 39 29 47
Houk 41

--- --- --- 43 ---
Nukuno 39

39 47 38 21 49
Necheche 39

48 31 29 29 59
Epin, Paata 39

13 --- --- 44 77
Udot 39

53 40 41 17 33
Neauo 37

28 41 34 50 28
Kukku, Fefan 35

31 25 45 43 37
Losap 35

31 --- 31 23 41
Romanum 35

46 36 32 17 33
Murilo 34

--- 31 33 30 ---
Sapou, Pwelle 33

9 35 --- 58 18
Sapuk 33

43 48 25 24 23
Wonip, Tol 33

30 56 22 22 17
Piis-Emmwar 32

41 --- 25 27 21
Fanapanges 31

16 23 39 34 44
Parem 31

33 34 18 --- 33
Penia/Peniasene 31

25 24 43 52 25
Netiw, Tol 30

19 26 45 --- ---
Siis 30

36 9 36 42 29
Foson, Tol 29

14 25 38 24 38
Nechap 28

23 40 26 18 30
Sapore 27

27 29 34 23 17
Wichukuno 27

8 52 30 49 10
Amwachang, Tol 26

--- 26 16 42 ---
Panitiw, Uman 26

24 7 31 23 24
Inaka 26

12 30 29 27 41
Manaio 25

22 19 25 49 7
Nukof, Paata 24

21 --- 23 6 62
Eot 24

22 21 36 15 32
Piis-Panewu 24

21 --- 33 --- ---
Nethon, Polle 23

--- --- --- 39 ---
Pollap 23

--- --- 9 --- ---
Piherach 21

--- 8 19 43 ---
Chukienu 21

--- --- 28 14 ---
Ruo 20

--- 16 15 23 ---
Sapota, Uman 20

26 16 17 26 18
Onou 19

--- --- 16 32 ---
Makur 19

--- 8 22 11 ---
Neirenom, Polle 16

7 --- --- --- 18
Onoun 14

--- 12 18 8 ---
Foup, Tol 14

14 26 8 4 16
Unanu 10

--- 6 --- 8 ---


Language Math Average
Utwe 51 68 60
Lelu 47 70 59
Sansrik 50 62 56
Malem 45 64 55
Tafunsak 45 62 54
Walung 43 64 54


% Passed
Calvary Christian Academy 147 116 79%
Seventh Day Adventist 245 189 77%
Seinwar 283 198 70%
Ponape Catholic School 204 136 67%
Rohnkiti 212 138 65%
Mwoakilloa 122 67 55%
Ohmine 1173 617 53%
Net 772 332 43%
Sokehs Powe 533 221 41%
Kolonia 1076 436 41%
Awak 323 119 37%
Mand 159 58 36%
Pehleng 223 77 35%
Sapwuahfik 189 64 34%
Parem 108 36 33%
Pingelap 286 93 33%
Saladak 390 115 29%
ESDM 167 48 29%
Nukuoro 151 42 28%
Iohl 30 8 27%
Lukop 218 56 26%
Salapwuk 43 11 26%
Palikir 309 78 25%
Sapwerek 175 40 23%
Wene 306 69 23%
Enipein 214 48 22%
Temwen 155 34 22%
Rohi 105 21 20%
Lewetik 58 11 19%
Sokehs Pah (RSP) 183 34 19%
Sekere 332 61 18%
Wapar 160 27 17%
Sapwalap 324 44 14%
Kapingamarangi 245 30 12%


Avg 1998 1999 2000
SDA 83 81 90 78
St. Mary's 81 83 77 81
Fanif 80 80 83 78
Tomilang 79 81 78 79
Gagil 79 79 82 75
Gilman 79 84 76 77
Rumung 78 81 80 74
Mogmog 78 80 78 77
Delipebenaw 77 72 82 76
Maap 76 77 68 82
Falalap 74 78 --- 70
Bael 73 71 71 77
Colonia Middle Sch 73 72 74 73
Fasserai 71 78 68 73
Fais 71 71 78 64
Satawal 70. 72 63 74
Kanifay 68 --- 76 59
Ifalik 64 64 65 64
Falalop, Woleai 63 63 62 65
Tegailap 61 66 57 ---
Lamot 61 70 54 60
North Fanif 54 43 66 ---
Seliap 54 57 51 ---
Woltegai 52 57 46 ---
Faraulep 41 36 46 ---

FSM NST Scores

Yap Pohnpei Kosrae Chuuk
6th 50 53 58 34*
8th 53 60 63 ---
10th 63 64 74 53*
(* indicates results based on 1995 test only)

Yap Pohnpei Kosrae Chuuk
6th 35 41 39 31*
8th 46 55 54 ---
10th 38 44 45 29*
(* indicates results based on 1995 test only)

FSM High Schools

1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 Average
PICS/BOHS (Pohnpei) 38 27 37 44 65 65 72 50
Kosrae HS 35 40 22 38 40 75 73 46
Yap HS 29 44 25 24 47 59 60 41
Outer Islands HS (Yap) 35 26 11 19 27 39 39 28
Chuuk HS 8 3 1 2 5 8 11 5

Average 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Pohnpei 61 46 36 49 60 78 79 82
Calvary 93 78 --- 100 75 100 100 100
SDA 74 63 50 59 86 83 83 94
PATS 60 39 39 56 45 77 77 90
Ohwa 19 16 15 7 33 17 17 27
Chuuk 49 50 49 44 32 53 58 56
Xavier 85 94 82 81 85 88 66 100
Saramen Chuuk 62 46 61 36 41 70 92 88
Berea 31 27 33 39 19 56 37 9
SDA 28 --- --- 29 0 0 55 54
Mizpah 22 10 4 4 0 22 71 44
Pentecostal 5 --- --- --- 0 0 11 10

FSM College of Micronesia

Average 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000
Pohnpei 52 40 29 41 42 69 69 75
Kosrae 46 35 40 22 38 40 75 73
Yap 35 29 36 21 22 0 48 51
Chuuk 24 29 23 23 16 24 28 27

RMI Elementary Schools

Marshalls Elementary Schools: Pass Rates on High School Entrance Test
(1993-1999) and Scores on PILLS Test (1994-1998)

Note: Pacific Islands Literacy Level Skills (PILLS) test is designed to identify students who have failed to achieve minimal standards in English, Marshallese, and math. In the table below, the figures have been changed to represent the percentage of students who have achieved (rather than failed in) minimum standards. This will permit easier comparison with the high school entrance test results.
Schools Average PILLS Entrance
Coop, Majuro 94 89 99
St. Thomas 94 89 98
St. Joseph 89 81 97
Assumption 86 77 94
Likiep, Likiep 75 68 82
St. Paul 72 80 64
Queen of Peace 68 64 71
Melang, Likiep 67 70 64
Rita Christian 63 56 70
Mejit 58 56 60
Laura, SDA 58 60 55
Wotje, Wotje 56 51 61
Ebeye, SDA 56 51 60
Delap, SDA 56 47 64
Ebon, Ebon 54 59 48
Jeh, SDA 45 46 43
Aur, Aur 45 58 31
Jebal, Likiep 44 69 19
Ine, SDA 44 69 18
Kattiez, Ailinglaplap 43 44 42
Ajeltake, Majuro 43 30 55
Namdrik 43 35 51
Namu, SDA 42 50 33
Aerok, Ailinglaplap 41 42 39
Imiej, Jaluit 41 50 32
Jabor, Jaluit 41 32 49
Delap Calvary 40 44 36
Jebro Kabua 40 51 29
Tobal, Aur 38 16 59
Imroij, Jaluit 38 43 33
Woja, Ailinglaplap 37 21 53
Mejorirok 37 38 36
Ailuk Protestant 36 32 40
Enekoion, Ebon 36 46 25
Laura, Majuro 35 37 32
Mejatto, Jaluit 35 46 23
Tutu, Arno 35 32 37
Ailuk, Ailuk 34 28 40
Ulien, Arno 34 49 18
Jebat 33 24 41
Ailinglaplap 33 22 44
Imroj, Protestant 33 36 29
Jaluit, Jaluit 32 37 27
Woja, SDA 31 28 33
Toka, Ebon 30 39 21
Arno Public 29 43 14
Longar, Arno 28 33 22
Mili, Mili 28 19 37
Tarawa, Maloelap 28 24 32
Enewetak 27 27 27
Enejelar, Ailuk 27 36 18
Bikarej, Arno 26 28 24
Ebeye, Kwajalein 26 27 25
Utrik 26 30 22
Ebeye Calvary 26 38 13
Jabnoden, Jaluit 24 30 17
Lae 24 23 25
Wodmeej, Wotje 24 28 19
Nallo, Mili 23 12 33
Enejet, Mili 22 28 16
Jeh, Ailinglaplap 22 26 17
Namej, Jaluit 22 30 13
Laura Protestant 22 44 0
Rita Elem, Majuro 21 41 ----
Jang, Maloelap 21 23 19
Woja, Majuro 20 15 25
Ebeye Christian 20 33 6
Jah, Ailinglaplap 19 38 0
Namu, Namu 19 25 13
Laura Calvary 19 19 18
Delap Elem., Majuro 18 36 ---
Ronglap (Majatto) 16 22 9
Wotto 16 9 22
Lukoj, Arno 16 20 12
Kaven, Maloelap 15 16 13
Mae, Namu 14 24 4
Nibun, Wotje 14 20 8
Aerok Protestant 14 13 14
Majkon, Namu 13 10 15
Matolen, Arno 13 26 ---
Enibur, Kwajalein 13 17 9
Buoj, Ailinglaplap 12 8 15
Lukonwood, Mili 12 24 0
Mejel, Ailinglaplap 12 4 20
Laura Christian Academy 12 7 17
Enewa, Ailinglaplap 12 16 7
Ejet, Kili 12 9 15
Rairok, Majuro 11 22 ---
Uliga Elem 11 21 ---
Rongrong Protestant 11 17 5
Aerok, Maloelap 10 7 12
Loen, Namu 10 10 10
Ujae 9 8 10
Tokewa, Mili 9 8 9
Ollet, Maloelap 8 4 12
Lib 7 3 10
Kilange, Arno 7 13 ---
Uliga Protestant 6 --- 12
Ine Public, Arno 5 6 4
Mae SDA 5 0 10
Kili/Bikini 3 6 ---
UPCS 5 10 ---
Ine Protestant 2 4 0
Ebadon, Kwajalein 1 2 0

Marshallese Private and Public Elementary Schools:
Average Pass Rates on Entrance Test and Scores on PILLS Test

Entrance PILLS
Public Schools 31 29
Private Schools 51 59

Marshalls Public and Private Schools: Pass Rate in PILLS Test
(percentage of students passing)

  Public Private
Math 37 70
English 21 63
Marshallese 30 45
Total 29 59

RMI High Schools

Marshalls High Schools: Results of CMI Placement Test (1993-1999)
(percentage of students eligible for degree program)

Average No. Tested English Math
Assumption HS 50 64 66 34
Jaluit HS 23 111 14 31
Seventh Day Acad 20 145 15 25
Marshall Islands HS 19 375 22 16
Calvary HS 10 86 7 13
MCH 8 117 7 9

Palau Elementary Schools

Palau Palau Public Schools Scores on PAT (1997-2000)

Average Math English Palauan
Melekeok 53 42 59 58
Koror 52 42 59 56
Peleliu 51 44 53 55
Angaur 51 43 56 53
Aimeliik 50 39 58 52
Harris 49 41 54 52
Ngarchelong 48 36 53 55
Ngchesar 48 39 52 54
Airai 47 37 55 50
Ngiwal 45 36 50 48
Meyuns 45 36 49 50
Ngardmau 42 37 43 47
Ngeremlengui 42 37 46 44
Ibobang 42 33 47 47
Ngaraard 40 34 43 42
Kennedy 37 36 38 36

Palau High Schools

Palau High Schools: Results of PCC Placement Test (1995-2000)
(percentage of students passing)

No. Tested English Math Total
Mindszenty HS 197 86 33 65
Emmaus HS 82 89 23 60
Palau HS 601 73 16 50
Bethania HS 50 78 20 46
Belau Modekngei School 48 54 8 34

Micronesia Regional Statistics

No. Scoring over 70% Private Public Top Mark No. Scoring over 80%
Pohnpei 79 (of 192) 26 53 90% 35
Palau 24 (of 32) 15 9 95% 14
Chuuk 20 (of 210) 17 3 81% 2
Marshalls 18 (of 143) 15 3 92% 8
Kosrae 14 (of 71) 0 14 77% 0
Yap 13 (of 89) 8 5 85% 2

1stgrade 8thgrade 9thgrade 12thgrade
Kosrae 100 82 77 61
Palau 100 78 70 50
Yap 100 74 60 35
Chuuk 100 67 35 15
Pohnpei 100 71 44 28
Marshalls 100 75 53 28
  Palau (1994) Marshalls (1999) FSM (1994)
finished elementary 71% 85% 60%
finished high school 58% 39% 36%
some college 31% 15% 18%
college degree 10% 4% 5%