1996 Publications List

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Abas, Sayed A., M. B. Hossain, D. Vanderhelm and F. J. Schmitz.. "Alkaloids from the Tunicate Polycarpa aurata from Chuuk Atoll." JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY (1996), Vol. 61, 2709-2712.

Ada, Joseph F., with Leland Bettis. "The Quest for Commonwealth:The Quest for Change." In The Political Status Education Coordinating Commission, ISSUES IN GUAM'S POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT, pp. 125-203. Agana, Guam: The Political Status Education Coordinating Commission, 1996.

Adams, Timothy J.H. "Modern institutional framework for reef fisheries management." In Nicholas V.C. Polunin and Callum M. Roberts, REEF FISHERIES, pp. 337-360. London: Chapman & Hall, 1996.

Affonso, Dyanne. "Passion for Improving the Health, Health Care System and Health Professional Training of APIAs." ASIAN AMERICAN AND PACIFIC ISLANDER JOURNAL OF HEALTH, Winter-Summer 1996, Vol. 4, No. 1-3, 191-197.

Ahern, Veronica M. "The Domestication of the Western Pacific." In Dan J. Wedemeyer and Richard Nickelson, 18TH ANNUAL PACIFIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE, PROCEEDINGS, VOL. 1, 14-18 JANUARY 1996, pp. 246-251. Honolulu, Hawaii: Pacific Telecommunications Council, 1996.

Ahlburg, Dennis A. DEMOGRAPHIC AND SOCIAL CHANGE IN THE ISLAND NATIONS OF THE PACIFIC. Asia-Pacific Population Research Reports, No.7. Honolulu, Hawaii: East-West Center, February 1996. 26.

Aiavao, Ulafala. "Coral gardens turn over a new reef." ISLANDS BUSINESS (August 1996), Vol. 22, No. 8, p. 97.

Akiyama, Vicky (Vaughn). "Vicky's Story." UMANIDAT: A JOURNAL OF THE HUMANITIES, Vol. 4, November 1996, 85-90.

Alam, Sultana. "Sectoral Review of 'Gender, Population and Development' in the Federated States of Micronesia." Suva: UNFPA Country Support Team, 21 June, 1996. 30.

Allen, J.S., et al. "Antisaccadic eye movements and attentional asymmetry in schizophrenia in three Pacific populations." ACTA PSYCHIATRICA SCANDINAVICA 1996: 94: 258-265.

Allen, Jim.. "The Pre-Austronesian Settlement of Island Melanesia: Implications for Lapita Archaeology." In Ward H. Goodenough, editor, PREHISTORIC SETTLEMENT OF THE PACIFIC, pp. 11-27. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1996.

Amesbury, J. R., D. R. Moore, and R. L. Hunter-Anderson. "Cultural adaptations and late holocene sea level change in the Marianas: recent excavations at Chalan Piao, Saipan, Micronesia." In Ian C. Glover and Peter Bellwood, editors, INDO-PACIFIC PREHISTORY: THE CHIANG MAI PAPERS, VOLUME 2, pp. 53-69. Canberra: Australian National University, 1996.

Angello, John Jack. THE IMPLEMENTATION OF AN INSTRUCTIONAL TECHNOLOGY PROGRAM AT TINIAN ISLAND HIGH SCHOOL (1990-92). Ed.D. dissertation, University of Southern California, May 1996.

Anonymous. "1996 International Coastal Cleanup Results." Special edition. MAN, LAND AND SEA, Vol. VIII, No. 6 (Oct-Nov 1996), 1-8.

Anonymous. "Expanded programme on immunization (EPI) immunization schedules in the WHO Western Pacific Region, 1995." WKLY EPIDEMIOL REC, Vol. 71, No. 18, 133-137.

Anonymous. "Integrated Coastal Management Reinforced at the Commission on Sustainable Development Conference IV." INTERCOAST NETWORK, Issue #27, Summer 1996, pp. 12, 19.

Anonymous. "Lessons from the Past: The Guam Cluster." ECOLOGIST, May/June 1994, Vol. 24, p. 104.

Anonymous. "Mission Accomplished: How consulting firm helped turn Air Marshalls around." ISLANDS BUSINESS, Vol. 22, No. 11 (November1996), pp. 25, 27.

Anonymous.. "New Air Nauru." ISLANDS BUSINESS, Vol. 2, No. 11 (November 1996), p. 25.

Anonymous. "Organic Farming: Morita's Vision Take Roots in Ngaremlengui." FULL MOON (Nov/Dec 1996), pp. 9, 16.


Anonymous. "Zero Discharge Sanitation in Micronesia." BIOCYCLE (April 1996), Vol. 37, No. 4, p. 42.

Anthony, Stephen S. HYDROGEOLOGY AND GROUND-WATER RESOURCES OF NGATIK ISLAND, SAPWUAHFIK ATOLL, STATE OF POHNPEI, FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA. Honolulu, Hawaii: U.S. Geological Suvey/State of Pohnpei, 1996. (Water-Resources Investigations Report (93-4117)).

Anthony, Stephen S. HYDROGEOLOGY AND GROUND-WATER RESOURCES OF KAHLAP ISLAND, MWOAKILLOA ATOLL, STATE OF POHNPEI, FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA. Honolulu, Hawaii: U.S. Geological Survey/State of Pohnpei, 1996. (Water-Resources Investigations Report (93-4184)).

Anthony, Stephen S. HYDROGEOLOGY AND GROUND-WATER RESOURCES OF PINGELAP ISLAND, PINGELAP ATOLL, STATE OF POHNPEI, FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA. Honolulu, Hawaii: U.S. Geological Survey/State of Pohnpei, 1996. (Water-Resources Investigations Report (92-4005)).

Anthony, Stephen S. and Steven R. Spengler. GEOLOGY AND WATER-RESOURCES RECONNAISSANCE OF LENGER ISLAND, STATE OF POHNPEI, FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA, 1991. Honolulu, Hawaii: U.S. Geological Survey/State of Pohnpei, 1996. (Water-Resources Investigations Report (93-4217)).

Appeldoorn, Richard S. "Model and method in reef fishery assessment." In Nicholas V.C. Polunin and Callum M. Roberts, REEF FISHERIES, pp. 219-248. London: Chapman & Hall, 1996.

ASAO. ASAO DIRECTORY. Association for Social Anthropology in Oceania, February 1996.

Asian Development Bank. STRATEGY FOR THE PACIFIC: POLICIES ANDPROGRAMS FOR SUSTAINABLE GROWTH. Pacific Studies Series. Manila: Asian Development Bank, 1996. 52.

Asian Development Bank. "Micronesian Regional Cooperation: Development Strategy Discussion Paper." Manila: Asian Development Bank, 1996. 4.

Athens, J. Stephen, Jerome V. Ward and Gail M. Murakami."Development of an agroforest on a Micronesian high island: prehistoric Kosraean agriculture." ANTIQUITY (1996), Vol. 70, 834-846.
Athens, J. Stephen.. "The Lelu Stone Ruins (Kosrae, Micronesia: 1978-81 Historical and Archaeological Research. Ross Cordy." (Book review) ASIAN PERSPECTIVES (1996), Vol. 35, No. 1, 101-103.

Aylesworth, Thomas G. and Virginia L. Aylesworth. TERRITORIES AND POSSESSIONS. New York and Philadelphia: Chelsea House Publishers,1996. 96.

Baines, Graham and A.V. Hughes. SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT IN NGARCHELONG: DRAFT REPORT. Port Vila, Vanuatu: United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific, April/August 1996. 56.

Ballendorf, Dirk Anthony. "William V. Vitarelli: A Colonial Hero in Micronesia." A presentation made at the Annual Conference of the Pacific Islands Political Studies Association, Koror, Palau, 9-12 December 1996. Unpublished paper, 1996. 11.

Banta, W. C. and Scott Santagata. "Note: Annotated species list of the Bryozoa of Chuuk, Federated States of Micronesia." MICRONESICA(1996), Vol. 29, No. 2, 305-312.

Barusch, Amanda Smith and Peter Steen. "Keepers of community in a changing world. (Grandparenting at Century's End)." GENERATIONS (Spring 1996), Vol. 20, No. 1, p. 49.

Bates, Marcia J. "Learning About Your Users' Information Needs: A Key to Effective Service." In Arlene Cohen, editor, PIALA '95: PRESERVATION OF CULTURE THROUGH ARCHIVES & LIBRARIES, pp. 5-12. Pacific Islands Association of Libraries and Archives,1996.

Bauman, Scott. "Diversity and decline of land snails on Rota,Mariana Islands." AMERICAN MALACOLOGICAL BULLETIN, (1996), Vol. 12, No. 1/2, 13-27.

Bayard, Donn. "Linguistics, archaeologists and Austronesian origins: comparative and sociolinguistic aspects of the Meacham-Bellwood debate." In Glover and Bellwood, ed., INDO-PACIFIC PREHISTORY: THECHIANG MAI PAPERS, VOLUME 2, pp. 71-85. Canberra: Australian National University, 1996.

Beardsley, Felicia Rounds, with contributions by S. Wickler, U. Basilius, and J. Tellei. FRAGMENTS OF PARADISE: ARCHAEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATIONS IN THE REPUBLIC OF PALAU, PALAU RURAL WATER SYSTEM SURVEY AND TESTING. Honolulu, Hawaii: International Archeological Research Institute, Inc., June 1996. 502.

Bellwood, Peter, editorial co-ordinator. INDO-PACIFIC PREHISTORY 1990: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 14TH CONGRESS OF THE INDO-PACIFIC PREHISTORY ASSOCIATION. Yogyakarta, Indonesia, 26 August to 2 September 1990. VOLUME 2. Bulletin of the Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association, No. 11. Canberra: Indo-Pacific Prehistory Association; Jakarta: Asosiasi Prehistorisi Indonesia, 1991. 411.

Benavente, Mariles D. and Betty-Ann Burns. "Characteristics of Sexual Abuse on Guam: A Critical Response to Limtiaco, Artero-Boname, Schmitz, and Hepburn." MICRONESIAN EDUCATOR (1996), Vol. 7, 59-65.

Bender, Carmel, and Rebecca Herman. "Congress of the Federated States of Micronesia: Insurance Code Draft." Submitted to FSM Congress. Eugene, Oregon: University of Oregon Micronesia and South Pacific Program, March 1996. 50.

Bentin, S. " South Pacific Regional Environment Programme (SPREP)." 62nd IFLA General Conference: Beijing, 25-31 August 1996. (1996).

Berg, M. L. "Destiny's Landfall: A History of Guam, by R. F. Rogers." AMERICAN, Vol. 101, No. 5, 1603-1604.

Besebes, H. "Palau Congress Library Information Paper." 62nd IFLA General Conference: Beijing, 25-31 August 1996. (1996)

Best, Bruce and Thomas Okamura. "Creating an inexpensive, narrow-band, multifunction s/l-band earth station for the remote Pacificislands." In Dan J. Wedemeyer and Richard Nickelson, 18TH ANNUAL PACIFIC TELECOMMUNICATIONS CONFERENCE, PROCEEDINGS, VOL. II, 574-581. Honolulu, Hawaii: Pacific Telecommunications Council, 1996.

Bettis, Leland. "Colonial Immigration in Guam." In The Political Status Education Coordinating Commission, ISSUES IN GUAM'S POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT, pp. 102-118. Agana, Guam: The Political Status Education Coordinating Commission, 1996.

Bickel, D. J. "Australian asyndetus loew and cryuptophleps lichtwardt (diptera: dolichopodidae), with notes on the oriental and Western Pacific faunas." INVERTEBRATE TAXONOMY (1996), Vol. 10, No. 6, 1151-1170.


Bingham, William. "The Cultural Genocide of the Northern Marianas in Historical Context." UMANIDAT, Vol. IV, No. 1 (November 1996), 8-20.

Blust, Robert. "Austronesian culture history: the window of language." In Ward H. Goodenough, editor, PREHISTORIC SETTLEMENT OF THE PACIFIC, pp. 28-35. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1996.

Blust, Robert. "Beyond the Austronesian Homeland: The Austric Hypothesis and its Implications for Archaeology." In Ward H.Goodenough, editor, PREHISTORIC SETTLEMENT OF THE PACIFIC, pp. 117-140. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1996.

Bodone, Francoise. YAP STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE: RESOURCE BIBLIOGRAPHY. Oregon: University of Oregon Micronesia and South Pacific Program, September 1996. 26.

Bodone, Francoise and Bernadette Mityay'. YAP STATE HISTORIC PRESERVATION OFFICE: POST-PHASE II PROJECTS AND RESOURCE BIBLIOGRAPHY. Oregon: University of Oregon Micronesia and South Pacific Program, September 1996. 40.

Boehlert, George W. "Larval dispersal and survival in tropical reef fishes." In Nicholas V.C. Polunin and Callum M. Roberts, REEF FISHERIES, pp. 61-84. London: Chapman & Hall, 1996.

Bohnsack, James A. "Maintenance and recovery of reef fishery productivity." In Nicholas V.C. Polunin and Callum M. Roberts, REEF FISHERIES, pp. 283-314. London: Chapman & Hall, 1996.

Bourquin, L. D., E. C. Titgemeyer, and G. C. Fahey. "Fermentation of various dietary fiber sources by human fecal bacteria." NUTRITION RESEARCH (NEW YORK, NY) (1996), Vol. 16, No. 7, 1119-1132.

BRAC'95 Steering Committee, Homeless Assistance Sub-Committee. HOMELESS NEEDS ASSESSMENT FOR GUAM. Tiyan, Guam: BRAC'95 Steering Committee, September 23, 1996. 32.

Brant, L., J. Pearson, C. Morrell, K. Fox, D. Gajdusek, R. Garruto and C. Plato. "Quantitative and qualitiative dermatoglyphics as a basis to study the relationship between Pacific populations." COLLEGIUM ANTROPOLOGICUM (June 1996), Vol. 20, No. 1, 1-8.

Brendl, Stefanie. "Arno: Languishing on Love School Island." PACIFIC BELOW (1996), Vol. 2, No. 1, 12-13.

Brewis, Alexandra, J. Laycock, and J. Huntsman. "Birth Non-Seasonality on the Pacific Equator." CURRENT ANTHROPOLOGY, Vol. 37, No. 5 (December 1996), 842-851.

Bruce, Tim. "The Island Economy in the 21st Century: A Hope for Peace — A Questionable Prosperity." UMANIDAT: A JOURNAL OF THE HUMANITIES, Vol. 4, November 1996, 148-158.

Bucci, D., E. Benetti, A. Onofri, F. Principi, D. Sernani and S. Galassi. "Ricera sul contenuto di mercurio, piombo e cadmio in ambienti e organismi marini della Microneisa, Belize e Nuove Ebridi." ("Research on mercury, lead and cadmium content in environment and sea organisms of Micronesia, Belize and Vanuatu.") INQUINAMENTO (1996), Vol. 38, No. 3, 64-66.

Buden, Don.. "Birds of Pohnpei." MICRONESIAN ISLANDS CONSERVATION NEWSLETTER , December 1996, pp. 2-3.

Buden, Donald W. "Rediscovery of the Pohnpei Mountain Starling (Aplonis pelzelni)." THE AUK, Vol. 113, No. 1 (1996), 229-230.

Buden, Donald W. "Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals of Ant Atoll, Eastern Caroline Islands." MICRONESICA (1996), Vol. 29, No. 1, 21-36.

Buden, Donald W. "Reptiles, Birds, and Mammals of Pakin Atoll, Eastern Caroline Islands." MICRONESICA (1996), Vol. 29, No. 1, 37-48.

Buee, L., J. Perez-Tur, B. Leveugle, V. Buee-Scherrer, E. J. Mufson, A. J. Loerzel, M.-C. Chartier-Harlin, D. P. Perl, A. Delacourte and P. R. Hof. "Apolipoprotein E in Guamanian amyotrophic lateral sclerosis/Parkinsonism-dementia complex: genotype analysis and relationships to neuropathological changes." ACTA NEUROPATHOLOGICA (1996), Vol. 91, No. 3, 247-253.

Bureau of Health Planning and Statistics. MARSHALL ISLANDS VITAL ANDHEALTH STATISTICS ABSTRACT 1990-1994. Majuro: Bureau of Health Planning and Statistics, Ministry of Health and Environment, December1996. 128.

Bureau of Women's Affairs, Office of the Governor. 5TH ANNUAL GOVERNOR'S CONFERENCE FOR WOMEN: APRIL 15-APRIL 17, 1996. Guam: Office of the Governor, [1996]. 146.

Burke, Deborah. 1996-1998 GENERAL CATALOG FOR THE COLLEGE OF THE MARSHALL ISLANDS. A report summarizing the preparation and status of the 1996-1998 General Catalog of the College of the Marshall Islands. Oregon: University of Oregon Micronesia and South Pacific Program, 1996.

Bursey, Charles R. and Stephen R. Goldberg. "Spauligodon gehyrae N.Sp. (Nematoda: Pharyngodonidae) from Gehyra Oceanica (Sauria:Gekkonidae) from Guam, Mariana Islands, Micronesia." JOURNAL OF PARASITOLOGY (1996) Vol. 82, No. 6, 962-964.

Buschmann, Rainer F. "Tobi Captured: Converging Ethnographic and Colonial Visions on a Caroline Island." ISLA: A JOURNAL OFMICRONESIAN STUDIES (Dry Season 1996), Vol. 4, No. 2, 317-340.

Byerley, B., A. Polloi, M. Myles-Worsely, M. Hoff, J. Rosenthal, J. Yaw, F. Reimherr, P. Wender, P. Dale and H. Coon. "Strategies for mapping a schizophrenia gene in the isolated population of Palau, Micronesia." 46th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics, San Francisco, California, USA, October 29-November 2, 1996. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS (1996), Vol. 59, No. 4, Supplement, A214.

Campbell, I.C. A HISTORY OF THE PACIFIC ISLANDS. Reprinted with revisions. Berkeley and Los Angeles, California: University ofCalifornia Press, 1996. 240.

Campos, J. R. Madariaga and C. Scholz. "Faulting process of the August 8, 1993, Guam earthquake: a thrust event in an otherwise weakly coupled subduction zone." JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH (1996), Vol. 101, B8, 17581-17596.

Cassani, Victoria Marie Gudenburr. "Reading Contemporary Realistic Fiction: Fifth-Grade Chamorro Students Learn About Themselves and Their World." MICRONESIAN EDUCATOR (1996), Vol. 7, 34-48.

Cassidy, T. K.; illustrated by O. N. Schemanski; translated by Toyoko Kang. THE STONE-SHAPER'S DAUGHTER. In English and Japanese. Guam: Cassidy & Associates, 1996.

Cavalli-Sforza, L.T., A. Rosman, A.S. de Boer, and I. Darnton-Hill."Nutritional aspects of changes in disease patterns in the Western Pacific Region." BULLETIN OF THE WORLD HEALTH ORGANIZATION (1996), Vol. 74, No. 3, 307-318.

Celes, Rindraty. "More than you paid for." LATTE: THE ESSENCE OFGUAM (February 1996), 46-47.

Celes, Rindraty; photography by Manny Crisostomo. "Shattering the glass ceiling: Rev. Ramona Rose-Crossly preaches from the heart." LATTE: THE ESSENCE OF GUAM (February 1996), 56-59.

Chamorro Language Commission. CHAMORRO LANGUAGE SYMPOSIUM: NIGAP HESTORIA-TA, PA'GO RIGALU-TA PARA AGUPA'. April 1 & 2, 1996, Guam Hilton Hotel. Guam: Chamorro Language Commission, 1996.

Chang, Kwang-chih and Ward H. Goodenough. "Archaeology of Southeastern Coastal China and its Bearing on the Austronesian Homeland." In Ward H. Goodenough, editor, PREHISTORIC SETTLEMENT OF THE PACIFIC, pp. 36-56. Philadelphia: American Philosophical Society, 1996.

Chappell, D. A. "Destiny's Landfall: A History of Guam, by R. F. Rogers." AMERICAN (1996), Vol. 56, No. 3, 283-284.

Chen, X., Y. Xia, L. S. Gresham, C. A. Molgaard, R. G. Thomas, D. Galasko, W. C. Wiederholt and T. Saitoh. "ApoE and CYP2D6 polymorphism with and without parkinsonism-dementia complex in the people of Chamorro, Guam." NEUROLOGY (September 1996), Vol.47, 779-784.

Chew, K. K. "Giant clam culture in the Marshall Islands." AQUACULTURE MAGAZINE (1996).

Child, C. Allan. "Pycnogonida of the western Pacific islands, XIII. Collections from Indonesia, Melanesia, and Micronesia." PROCEEDINGS OF THE BIOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON, Vol. 109, No. 3, 540-559.(1996)

Chuuk State Department of Planning and Statistics. 1994 FSM CENSUS OF POPULATION AND HOUSING: CHUUK STATE CENSUS REPORT. Weno, Chuuk: Chuuk State Government, Office of the Governor, October 1996. 334.

Chuuk State Department of Planning and Statistics. 1994 FSM CENSUS OF POPULATION AND HOUSING: CHUUK STATE DETAILED TABLES. Weno, Chuuk: Chuuk State Government, Office of the Governor, October 1996. 499.



Close Up Foundation. CIVIC ACHIEVEMENT AWARD PROGRAM REPUBLIC OF PALAU: INSTRUCTOR MANUAL. Alexandria, Virginia: Close Up Foundation,1996. 53 + 185.

Close Up Foundation. CIVIC ACHIEVEMENT AWARD PROGRAM STUDENT RESOURCE BOOK: REPUBLIC OF PALAU. Alexandria, Virginia: Close Up Foundation, 1996. 185.

Close Up Foundation. CIVIC ACHIEVEMENT AWARD PROGRAM INSTRUCTOR MANUAL: GUAM. Alexandria, Virginia: Close Up Foundation, 1996. 54 +193.

Close Up Foundation. CIVIC ACHIEVEMENT AWARD PROGRAM STUDENT RESOURCE BOOK: GUAM. Alexandria, Virginia: Close Up Foundation, 1996.193.

CNMI Criminal Justice Planning Agency. " A Look at Saipan's Adult Crime Statistics from January to June 1995." CNMI JUSTICE BULLETIN(January 1996), Vol. 1, No. 1, 1-3.

CNMI Criminal Justice Planning Agency. "Juvenile Criminal Activity." CNMI JUSTICE NEWSLETTER (January 1996), Vol. 1, No. 1, pp. 5-6.

CNMI Criminal Justice Planning Agency. "CNMI Drug Statistics." CNMI JUSTICE NEWSLETTER (April 1996), Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 4, 11.

CNMI Criminal Justice Planning Agency. "CNMI DUI Statistics from1991-1995." CNMI JUSTICE NEWSLETTER (April 1996), Vol. 1, No. 2, pp.5, 11.

CNMI Criminal Justice Planning Agency. "A Decline in Juvenile Violent & Property Crimes." CNMI JUSTICE BULLETIN (July 1996), Vol.1, No. 3, pp. 1-2.

CNMI Criminal Justice Planning Agency. "CNMI in the 'Ice' Age."CNMI JUSTICE BULLETIN (July 1996), Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 3-4.

CNMI Criminal Justice Planning Agency. "Juvenile Crime Statistics." CNMI JUSTICE BULLETIN (October 1996), Vol. 1, No. 4, pp. 2-3.

CNMI Criminal Justice Statistical Analysis Center. ASSAULT IN SAIPAN (June of 1995 – June of 1996). Saipan: Criminal Justice Planning Agency, Department of Public Safety, CNMI, October 1996. 12.

CNMI Criminal Justice Statistical Analysis Center (SAC). THEFT IN SAIPAN (June of 1995-June of 1996). Saipan: Criminal Justice Planning Agency, Department of Public Safety, CNMI, October 1996. 15.

CNMI Criminal Justice Statistical Analysis Center (SAC). THEFT IN SAIPAN (June-December 1995). Saipan: Criminal Justice Planning Agency, Department of Public Safety, CNMI, August, 1996. 17.

CNMI Criminal Justice Statistical Analysis Center (SAC). ASSAULT IN SAIPAN (June-December 1995). Saipan: Criminal Justice Planning Agency, Department of Public Safety, CNMI, August, 1996. 14.

CNMI Criminal Justice Statistical Analysis Center (SAC). BURGLARY IN SAIPAN (June of 1995 – June of 1996). Saipan: Criminal Justice Planning Agency, Department of Public Safety, CNMI, October, 1996.14.

CNMI Criminal Justice Statistical Analysis Center (SAC). BURGLARY INSAIPAN (June-December 1995). Saipan: Criminal Justice Planning Agency, Department of Public Safety, CNMI, August, 1996. 17.

CNMI Department of Commerce. INTRODUCING THE NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS: AN AMERICAN FLAG COMMONWEALTH ON THE DOORSTEP OF ASIA. Saipan: Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands, Department of Commerce, 1996. 20.

CNMI Department of Commerce. COMMONWEALTH OF THE NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS STATISTICAL YEARBOOK 1995. Saipan: CNMI Department of Commerce, Central Statistics Division, June 1996. 145.

CNMI Department of Commerce. COMMONWEALTH OF THE NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS CONSUMER PRICE INDEX, VOLUME IV, NUMBER 1, QUARTERLY REPORT, 1988 THROUGH 1995. Saipan: Central Statistics Division, Departmentof Commerce, CNMI, June 1996. 26.

CNMI Division of Historic Preservation. PROTECTING OUR PAST: A GUIDETO HISTORIC PRESERVATION REQUIREMENTS IN THE COMMONWEALTH OF THE NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS. Saipan: Division of Historic Preservation, Department of Community and Cultural Affairs, May 1996. 8.

CNMI National Food and Nutrition Advisory Council. CNMI NATIONAL FOOD AND NUTRITION POLICY AND TEN YEAR PLAN OF ACTION. Saipan:Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands National Food and Nutrition Advisory Council, December 18, 1996. 30.

Cohen, Arlene, editor. PIALA '95: PRESERVATION OF CULTURE THROUGH ARCHIVES & LIBRARIES. Papers from the 5th Pacific Islands Association of Libraries and Archives Conference, Colonia, Yap. Pacific Islands Association of Libraries and Archives, 1996.

Cohen, Arlene. "Management of library associations." 62nd IFLA General Conference: Beijing, 25-31 August 1996. IFLA GENERAL CONFERENCE 62.

Cohen, Arlene. "PEACESAT Access to the Internet in the Micronesian Region." In Arlene Cohen, editor, PIALA '95: PRESERVATION OF CULTURE THROUGH ARCHIVES & LIBRARIES, pp. 67-76. Pacific Islands Association of Libraries and Archives, 1996.

Collins, Veronica R., G.K. Dowse and P.Z. Zimmet. "Smoking prevalence and trends in the Pacific." PACIFIC HEALTH DIALOG, (March1996), Vol. 3, No. 1, pp. 87-95.

Commission of Inquiry, Republic of the Marshall Islands. "Report ofthe Commission of Inquiry: Warrant Number 1996-01." Majuro:Commission of Inquiry, Republic of the Marshall Islands, September 19,1996. 17.


Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands. COMMONWEALTH OF THE NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS OFFICIAL GOVERNMENT DIRECTORY. First edition. Saipan: Olympio T. Borja Memorial Library, Northern Marianas College CNMI Archives, Northern Marianas College, Office of the Governor, CNMI, 1996. 111.

Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas and Marianas Visitors Bureau. 36TH SOUTH PACIFIC CONFERENCE: OCTOBER 30-NOVEMBER 1, 1996: WELCOME BOOK. Saipan: Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas, 1996.

Coomans, Pedro; Rod Levesque, translator. "An Account of the Passing of Fr. Luis de Medina, SJ." UMANIDAT: A JOURNAL OF THE HUMANITIES, Vol. 4, November 1996, 44-57.

Coon, H., M. Myles-Worseley, M. Hoff, J. Rosenthal, J. Yaw, P. Dale, F. Reimherr, P. Wender, A. Polloi and W. Byerley. "Segregation and genetic anticipation of schizophrenia in the isolated population of Palau, Micronesia." 46th Annual Meeting of the American Society of Human Genetics, San Francisco, California, USA, October 29-November 2, 1996. AMERICAN JOURNAL OF HUMAN GENETICS (1996), Vol. 59, 4 Supplement, A215.

Cottrell, Christopher and Adelino Lorens. FIVE-YEAR STRATEGIC ACTION PLAN (1997-2001): POHNPEI OFFICE OF AGRICULTURE AND FORESTRY. Oregon: University of Oregon Micronesia and South Pacific Program, October 1996. 33.

Craig, Robert J. "Seasonal population surveys and natural history of a Micronesian bird community." WILSON BULLETIN (1996), Vol. 108, No.2, 246-267.

Crotts, Joanne Tarpley. "Regional Resource Sharing and Networking: A Union List of Serials for the Pacific Islands." In Arlene Cohen, editor, PIALA '95: PRESERVATION OF CULTURE THROUGH ARCHIVES & LIBRARIES, pp. 45-49. Pacific Islands Association of Libraries and Archives, 1996.

Cruz, Benjamin F. "Chamorro Voting Rights." In The Political Status Education Coordinating Commission, ISSUES IN GUAM'S POLITICAL DEVELOPMENT, pp. 78-82. Agana, Guam: The Political Status Education Coordinating Commission, 1996.

Dahl, Christopher. "Different Options, Different Paths: Economic Development in Two Atoll States." ISLA: A JOURNAL OF MICRONESIAN STUDIES (Dry Season 1996), Vol. 4, No. 2, 289-316.

Dai, Jin-Rui, Yali F. Hallock, John H. Cardellina II, Glenn N. Gray, and Michael R. Boyd.. "Triangulynes A-H and Triangulynic Acid, New Cytotoxic Polyacetylenes from the Marine Sponge Pellina triangulata." JOURNAL OF NATURAL PRODUCTS (1996), Vol. 59, pp. 860-865.

Dalzell, P., T.J.H. Adams and N.V.C. Polunin. "Coastal Fisheries in the Pacific Islands." OCEANOGRAPHY AND MARINE BIOLOGY: AN ANNUAL REVIEW (1996), Vol. 34, pp. 395-531.

Dalzell, Paul. "Catch rates, selectivity and yields of reef fishing." In Nicholas V.C. Polunin and Callum M. Roberts, REEF FISHERIES, pp.161-192. London: Chapman & Hall, 1996.

Daniel, Shirley J. "Ripe for Business." ISLAND BUSINESS (December1996), Vol. 1, No. 12, p. 31.

Davidson, Kevin and Tim Rock. "Palau's Spring Break." PACIFICBELOW, (May-June 1996), Vol. 2, No. 3, pp.21-25.

Davidson, Kevin. "The Nautilus Story: An Ancient Shelled Marauder from the Depths." PACIFIC BELOW (Nov/Dec 1996), Vol. 2, No. 6, p. 43.

Davie, P. J. F. and D. Guinot. "Two new freshwater crabs in australocarcinus davie, with remarks on trogloplacinae guinot and goneplacidae macleay (crustacea: decapoda: brachyura)." MEMOIRS OF THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM (1996), Vol. 39, No. 2, 277-287.

Davis, Alan Eugene. A PRELIMINARY LIST OF ANIMAL NAMES IN THE CHUUK DISTRICT. A technical report for The College of Micronesia, Chuuk, and The Micronesian Language Institute, University of Guam. Chuuk: 1996. 183.

Dawson, Donne. "Turning the Tide." ISLAND BUSINESS (January 1996), pp. 39-44.

DeBunce, Lincoln A. "Atlas of Micronesia, 2nd ed. Bruce G. Karolle." (book review) ANNALS OF THE ASSOCIATION OF AMERICAN GEOGRAPHERS (1996), Vol. 86, No. 2, 374-375.

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