Sponsors & Affiliates
Asian Development Bank (ADB)
Australian Government Overseas Aid program (AusAID)
Jesuit Conferences of East Asia and Oceania (JCEAO)
Jesuit Volunteer Corps (JVC)
Northern Mariana Islands Council for the Humanities
Pacific Resources for Education and Learning (PREL)
Sasakawa Pacific Islands Nations Fund
The ArchStone Foundation
United Nations Educational, Scientific, and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)
Regional Organizations
Japanese Overseas Corporation Volunteers (JOCV)
Knights of Malta
Pacific Islands Forum Secretariat
Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC)
Schools & Libraries
Alele Museum, Library, National Archives
Center for Pacific Island Studies
College of the Marshall Islands (CMI)
College of Micronesia, FSM (COM-FSM)
East-West Center
Micronesia Area Research Center (MARC)
Mount Carmel High School, Saipan
Northern Marianas College (NMC)
Pacific Collection, University of Hawaii
Pacific Islands Association of Libraries & Archives (PIALA)
Teaching Educators About Micronesian Students (A PREL Resource)
University of the South Pacific, Fiji (USP)
University of Guam (UOG)
Xavier High School (XHS)
Regional News
Bermin’s News Network (BNN)
FSM Public Information Office (FSM-PIO)
FSM Government News
Marianas Variety
Pacific Islands Report
Pacific Daily News (PDN)
Saipan Tribune
Regional Non-Governmental Organizations
Coral Reef Research Foundation in Palau
Ecumenical Centre for Research Education and Advocacy (ECREA), Fiji
FSM Visitor’s Board
FSM National Olympic Committee
Moon Handbooks Micronesia
Pacific Islands Association of Non-Governmental Organization (PIANGO)
Palau International Coral Reef Center (PICRC)
Palau National Olympic Committee
Palau Conservation Society
The Nature Conservancy (TNC)
Sonsorol Island, Palau
Triton Films
Government Organizations and Embassies
Australian Embassy in FSM
Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
CNMI Government
FSM Legal Information System (LIS)
FSM Congress
FSM Department of Foreign Affairs
FSM Government
FSM Social Security Administration (FSMSSA)
FSM Embassy in the U.S.
FSM Office of the National Public Auditor
FSM Telecommunications
Marshall Islands Telecommunications
Marshall Islands Nuclear Claims Tribunal
Palau Embassy in the U.S.
U.S. Compacts of Free Association with the FSM and RMI
U.S. General Accounting Office (GAO)
U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI)
US Embassy in the FSM
Travel and Tourism
Blue Lagoon Dive Resort, Chuuk
Blue Lagoon Dive Shop, Chuuk
The Carolines Resort, Palau
ESA Hotel, Yap FSM Government Visitors Board
Kosrae Nautilus Resort
Kosrae Village Hotel
Manta Ray Bay Hotel, Yap
Marshall Islands Visitors Authority
Ocean View Plaza, Pohnpei
Palau Pacific Resort
Palau Visitors Authority
Pathways Hotel, Yap
Pohpnei Visitor’s Bureau
Robert Reimers Hotel, Majuro
Rongelap Atoll
Stone Island Surf Resort, Yap
Trader’s Ridge, Yap
The Village Hotel, Pohnpei
Village View Resort,Yap
Waterfront Villa, Palau
West Plaza Hotels, Palau
Yap Visitors Bureau