Before We Began Counting Years, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
Long before latte stones appeared, a group of seafarers fund their way to the Marianas in the first settlement in Oceania proper. This video presents what we know of these pioneers.
At Home While Away, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
Eight Micronesians tell their own stories of life in the US–what brought them there and motivated them throughout the years, as well as what they would like to impart to others.
2015 (55 mins) Island Topics #76 MIGRATION SOCIAL ISSUES
Sokehs Rebellion, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
History of the uprising of the Sokehs people under German rule in 1911, as presented through interviews with select Pohnpeian historians.
2019 (50 mins) Island Topics #75 HISTORY
Heart But No Home, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
Homelessness on a Pacific Island? This video explores the problem through the eyes of the people on the street and those who care for them.
2020 (50 mins) Island Topics #74 SOCIAL ISSUES
When Spirits Roamed, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
Spirits were once everywhere, as this documentary on the traditional religions of the islands shows, but even after the arrival of Christianity they haven’t entirely disappeared.
First Class: Excellence in Public Schools, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
What makes a school good? Not so much the teachers’ degrees or the quality of the textbooks as the principal and a supportive community, this documentary shows.
2010 (42:38 mins) Island Topics #72 EDUCATION
A Walk Through the Past: Part 2, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
The historical photo albums on MicSem’s website done with motion and voice narration. This second disc covers World War II through the establishment of the new nations.
2010 (122:31 mins) Island Topics #71 HISTORY
A Walk Through The past: Part I, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
The historical photo albums on MicSem's website spruced up with movement and sound. This first disc offers nine albums from early contact through the end of the Japanese era.
2010 (96:29 mins) Island Topics #70 HISTORY
Junk Food! Danger!, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
Ramen and Kool Aids, like other junk food, can be tasty, but a steady diet will lead to stomach aches and much worse, as this video shows.
2010 (20:36 mins) Island Topics #69 HEALTH
Power Comes in Many Forms, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
Lower your cash power bills by taking advantage of the free energy all around you. Six projects you can do to make heat, light and electricity from the sun, the wind, the water and coconuts.
2010 (48:00 mins) Island Topics #68 ENVIRONMENT
Feet First, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
Feet. We don’t think about them much until they give us trouble. Diabetes can bring on serious foot problems, as this drama shows, unless we take good care of our feet.
2010 (24:00 mins) Island Topics #67 HEALTH
The Missing Micronesians, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
They can be found in the most unlikely spots in the US, but these emigrants still keep their strong ties with home, sending millions of dollars each year to family and friends back home.
2009 (56:00 mins) Island Topics #66 COMPACT ECONOMICS MIGRATION
The Dreadful Flu, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
When an island is devastated by illness, a young man helps find the key to freeing the people from their plague. This drama shows what inoculation against the flu can mean for us all.
2009 (20:00 mins) Island Topics #65 HEALTH
Ready for What?, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
Typhoons, fires, wave surges, epidemics? Emergencies can happen at any time, so it makes sense to know how to prepare for them. This documentary suggests how to get ready.
2009 (38 mins) Island Topics #64 ENVIRONMENT SOCIAL ISSUES
History V: March Toward Self-Government, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
This final segment in the History of Micronesia video series presents the final two decades of US administration (1960-1980), when change was the order of the day, and traces the path to self-rule.
2009 (87:00 mins) Island Topics #63 GOVERNMENT HISTORY
More? Or Less? Quantity Counts, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
In this drama an overfed family discovers that it's not just the kind of food that matters, but how much you eat.
2009 (25:00 mins) Island Topics #62 HEALTH
You Are Not Alone, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
Rape shouldn’t be a problem in islands where nightcrawling is common, right? Listen to the stories that these people tell about sexual violence before you make up your mind.
2008 (34:00 mins) Island Topics #61 JUSTICE & LAW SOCIAL ISSUES
Ashes To Ashes, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
Documentary on the battle with tobacco. Three young islanders tell of relatives they’ve lost to smoking, while others recount how they kicked the habit.
2008 (20:00 mins) Island Topics #60 HEALTH SOCIAL ISSUES
History IV: Ruin & Reconstruction, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
This segment of the history of Micronesia video series highlights the damage of World War II, from American and island viewpoints, and the slow rebuilding efforts under the US, 1940-1960.
2008 (90:00 mins) Island Topics #59 HISTORY
History III: Sunburst in the South Sea, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
This video, the third in the History of Micronesia video series, offers a close up view of the glory years under Japanese rule, 1920-1940.
2008 (68:00 mins) Island Topics #58 HISTORY
10,000 Steps, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
To beat diabetes, you don’t have to run marathons or do full-court basketball games.
For people beyond their prime, walking will do. How about 10,000 steps a day?
2007 (21:00 mins) Island Topics #56 HEALTH
History II: Planting The Foreign Flag, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
Part 2 in Micronesia history series. The video opens in 1885 with the contest between Spain and Germany for possession of the islands, and covers Spanish rule, the German development programs, and concludes with the takeover by Japan.
2007 (70:00 mins) Island Topics #55 HISTORY
History I: Early Encounters, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
Part 1 in Micronesian history series, this documentary shows the impact of early Spanish explorers, British indiamen, whalers, beachcombers, missionaries, and copra traders on the islands and their people.
2007 (70:00 mins) Island Topics #54 HISTORY
Don't Smoke That Cigarette, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
This Micronesian MTV features five numbers, all by local groups, challenging young people not to smoke.
2007 (23:00 mins) Island Topics #53 HEALTH
Outcasts No Longer, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
Like lepers in the past, HIV victims in our day have been shunned as incurables, even though recent medical advances have made it possible to treat the disease effectively. It's high time to change our thinking about HIV/AIDS and our strategies for dealing with it.
2007 (25:00 mins) Island Topics #52 HEALTH
To Chew or Not to Chew, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
A young man tries to make the big decision as he wends his way through the whacky world of betelnut users.
2007 (29:00 mins) Island Topics #51 ALCOHOL & DRUGS HEALTH
Chasing the Dream, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
Even is not a pathway to the olympics, or the regional finals, sports can be a healthy and satisfying outlet for all. The video explores a broad range of athletics in FSM.<
2006 (21:55 mins) Island Topics #50 HEALTH SOCIAL ISSUES
Micronesians Abroad, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
An hour-long documentary offering a peek into the homes and hearts of emigrants to reveal the struggles they face and the strategies they use to cope in their new surroundings.
Staying Connected, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
The wonders of information technology can help us keep in touch - with our own people abroad and with what the rest of the world has to offer us.
2006 (22:00 mins) Island Topics #48 BUSINESS
Before It's Too Late, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
Cervical Cancer is killing more women on Pohnpei than any other form of cancer. This documentary shows the human cost and what can be done to prevent it.
2006 (17:54 mins) Island Topics #47 HEALTH
Going Yellow, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
In this video drama, a daffy family, with the help of a karat-crazed Texan, slowly begins to realize the benefits of adding yellow local foods to their diet.
2005 (29:00 mins) Island Topics #46 HEALTH
Island Government: Making it Work, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
The dreams of past island leaders can only be realized if we make good government happen. But how do we deal with the cultural tensions along the way? This video portrays the dream and the obstacles in a lighthearted way.
2005 (46:13 mins) Island Topics #45 CULTURAL GOVERNMENT
A Woman's Work Never Ends, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
Was a married woman's life always so harried? This lighthearted drama looks back to the past to find an answer to this question.
2005 (29:59 mins) Island Topics #44 CULTURAL FAMILY CHANGE SOCIAL ISSUES
Pohnpei: Preserving Our Natural Heritage, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
A look at the three main ecosystems of Pohnpei and what each of us can do to help preserve them.
2004 (19:00 mins) Island Topics #43 ENVIRONMENT
Beyond the Spoken Word: Insuring the Legacy of Our Land, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
Once land rights were too important to be entrusted to a piece of paper. Now they're too important not to be. This documentary explains why, and what the Marshalls can do about registering land.
2004 (19:17 mins) Island Topics #42 GOVERNMENT LAND ISSUES
For the Love of Chuuk: Working Towards the Common Good, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
Beginning with the village dispensaries, this documentary probes the problem of governing Chuuk. If there are cultural explanations for them, there are also remedies.
2004 (41:34 mins) Island Topics #41 CULTURAL GOVERNMENT
Suicide in Micronesia: Finding a Better Way Out, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
For 40 years the deadly epidemic of suicide has claimed hundreds of young lives. This documentary explores the causes and ways of addressing the suicide problem.
2004 (32:34 mins) Island Topics #40 CULTURAL FAMILY CHANGE SUICIDE
Smokey Joe: You Smoke, I Choke., by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
This drama is the story of Smokey Joe, a good guy with a bad habit, as he begins to understand the effects of smoking on himself and others.
2003 (29:54 mins) Island Topics #39 HEALTH
Pushing Out To Sea: Creating a New FSM Economy, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
For years the FSM economy has depended on US aid. This documentary examines what may be needed to get the island economy off the beach and out to sea during Compact II.
The U.S. and the Marshalls: The Next 20 Years, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
A presentation of the terms of the re-negotiated Compact of Free Association: What the Marshalls will receive and what it hopes to achieve in the next 20 years.
2003 (37:00 mins) Island Topics #37 COMPACT GOVERNMENT
Hitting Hard: Family Violence, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
When family arguments come to blows, where can women run for protection? This drama about two struggling families explores the options.
2003 (39:13 mins) Island Topics #36 FAMILY CHANGE SOCIAL ISSUES
Our Distant Relatives, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
A brief documentary highlighting health care problems with the US's Pacific cousins. Describes the social setting and the battle they fight for better health care.
Can We Talk, Mom?, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
When the kids are heading one way and the parents the other, there's a real risk of trouble. This drama makes a case for good communication between mother and daughter.
2002 (32:09 mins) Island Topics #34 FAMILY CHANGE SOCIAL ISSUES
Food Fight: Good vs. Rotten, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
Eating habits are a battleground in this drama, with good health at stake. A new hero, Good Nutrition Man, emerges with his partner, Exercise, to protect kids from the Rotten Food Gang.
2002 (34:16 mins) Island Topics #33 HEALTH
Our Islands, Our Selves, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
This documentary, featuring footage from across Micronesia, presents the case for conservation, from highlands down to the reef. Each part of this integrated system affects the others and the lives of us all.
2002 (29:16 mins) Island Topics #32 ENVIRONMENT
I'll See You in Court, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
This courtroom drama, a spoof of TV court shows, offers a look at how the island court system works. The two episodes here dramatize a civil case and criminal case.<
2001 (32:28 mins) Island Topics #31 JUSTICE & LAW
The Legend of Bill: From Birth to Law, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
How does a bill become a law? What happens to laws once they are made? This video drama, acted by kids, presents the story of one bill's life history while illustrating the legislative and judicial process.
2001 (30:07 mins) Island Topics #30 GOVERNMENT JUSTICE & LAW
Off The Beaten Path, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
Where do you go to get a job? Off the beaten path, a friendly gecko suggests, as he leads the hero of this video to a series of out-of-the-mainstream jobs.
2001 (28:58 mins) Island Topics #29 BUSINESS
The Job Hunt: Mission Impossible?, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
Stan travels to Guam in search of a job, but finds through a series of humorous mistakes that he lacks the basic skills necessary to be competitive.
2001 (24:41 mins) Island Topics #28 BUSINESS SOCIAL ISSUES
Islands of Excellence, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
A documentary tour through Micronesia to some of the best public schools to uncover their success stories.
2001 (48:28 mins) Island Topics #27 EDUCATION
The Goals of Ed U. Cation, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
A disgruntled PTA meets consults a charlatan magician named Ed U. Cation on what is best for their children. The magician offers three educational options: cultural, vocational, and academic.
2001 (19:09 mins) Island Topics #26 EDUCATION
Just Blowin' Smoke, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
Why do people smoke? This video does a light-hearted survey of some of the reasons, and finds that in the end they're just blowin' smoke.
2000 (22:34 mins) Island Topics #25 HEALTH
The Way We Were, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
Two kids discover the contrast in body size and eating habits between people today and their ancestors through the story of the mythic giant Uab.
2000 (25:42 mins) Island Topics #24 HEALTH
It's My Own Land, Isn't It?, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
Two short spoofs that make a case for some government regulation of private land--zoning and eminent domain.
2000 (23:15 mins) Island Topics #23 CULTURAL GOVERNMENT LAND ISSUES
Land: Investing in Our Future, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
Land, which has always been traditionally prized in the islands, takes on new meanings today. This documentary explores the ways in which land might be used as a resource.
2000 (26:00 mins) Island Topics #22 ECONOMICS LAND ISSUES
FSM: The US Pacific Outpost, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
A brief overview of US relations with Micronesia over the years. Focused on the FSM, this documentary surveys problems of development in the islands.
1999 (20:00 mins) Island Topics #21 COMPACT ECONOMICS GOVERNMENT
Youth Today: How Can We Help?, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
A documentary on youth groups around Micronesia, church-run and civic, and how they try to impact on the lives of young Micronesians.
1999 (30:00 mins) Island Topics #20 RELIGION SOCIAL ISSUES
It Could Be You!, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
Sexual issues in today's Micronesia--STDs, AIDS, and teen pregnancy--presented in the form of four short dramas.
1999 (25:00 mins) Island Topics #19 HEALTH
The Colony, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
A brief historical tour of the remains of the Spanish colony in Pohnpei with a commentary by Javier Galvan from Spain.
1999 (9:00 mins) Island Topics #18 HISTORY
Mind Your Own Business, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
The misadventures of a man who, when laid off from his government position, tries to open a private business with a bank loan.
Living the Sweet Life: Diabetes in Micronesia, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
A humorous dramatization of a serious health issue in Micronesia illustrating the symptoms of diabetes and the lifestyle changes necessary to manage the disease.<
1998 (26:00 mins) Island Topics #16 HEALTH
The Strangers Among Us (Parts 2), by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
An introduction to migrant workers, featuring a segment on Micronesias on Guam. Asks whether we see soemthing of ourselves in these strangers.
1998 (23:00 mins) Island Topics #15 MIGRATION SOCIAL ISSUES
The Strangers Among Us (Parts I), by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
An introduction to migrant workers, Asians and Micronesians alike: their dreams, frustrations, escapes in a land that is not theirs and featuring a segment on Micronesians on Guam. Asks whether we see something of ourselves in these strangers.
1998 (28:00 mins) Island Topics #14 MIGRATION SOCIAL ISSUES
Take Me to Your Island, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
An hour-long look at the foreigners who have come to Pohnpei, with their quirks and high hopes.
Breaking the Ice, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
A documentary on the Crystal Methamphetamine or "ice" addiction problem gripping the people in the Commonwealth of the Northern Marianas.
1997 (22:00 mins) Island Topics #12 ALCOHOL & DRUGS HEALTH
The Upside Down Economy, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
A Micronesian leader once compared the FSM economy to a turtle on its back, its feet kicking but going nowhere. This video examines the condition of the economy and what will have to be done to right it.
1997 (25:00 mins) Island Topics #11 ECONOMICS GOVERNMENT
A Matter of Peace, a Question of Justice, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
Roundtable on how conflict resolution is handled in the courts and how it was done traditionally. Features John Mangefel, Nickontro Johnny, and Emilio Musrasrik.
1996 (33:00 mins) Island Topics #10 JUSTICE & LAW SOCIAL ISSUES
Reflections on Anger, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
A look at how Micronesians handle anger and how it sometimes controls them. Reflection on how negative emotions could be dealt with more productively.
1996 (31:00 mins) Island Topics #9 CULTURAL SOCIAL ISSUES
Too High, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
Lyrical documentary on alcohol abuse in the islands, with the title taken from a Daniel Rae Costello song.
1996 (25:00 mins) Island Topics #8 ALCOHOL & DRUGS SOCIAL ISSUES
Owning Our Own Health, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
Documentary on what Micronesia can do to improve the quality of health services and to take full ownership of its own health system.
1995 (35:00 mins) Island Topics #7 HEALTH
More Than Just Doctors, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
A look at the quality of health care in Micronesia. Shows some of the problems that must be faced, more than graduating young Micronesian doctors
1995 (31:00 mins) Island Topics #6 HEALTH
Beneath Paradise (Domestic Violence), by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
Roundtable discussion on child abuse and spouse abuse in Micronesia examining the social changes that may be increasing the problem. Features William Eperiam, Joshua Phillip, and Tina Takeshy.
1995 (41:00 mins) Island Topics #5 FAMILY CHANGE SOCIAL ISSUES
Voices of Pohnpei (Part 2), by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
A history of Pohnpei, but from the inside. Uses legends and archeology to delineate the high points in Pohnpei's past, ending where history usually begins - with the arrival of the Europeans.
Voices of Pohnpei (Part I), by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
A history of Pohnpei, but from the inside. Uses legends and archeology to delineate the high points in Pohnpei's past, ending where history usually begins - with the arrival of the Europeans.
Women's Changing Role in Micronesia, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
A look at how the traditional roles of women, once very important, have changed. Special emphasis on Chuuk and Yap outer islands, but with application across Micronesia.
1995 (34:00 mins) Island Topics #2 CULTURAL FAMILY CHANGE
After the Compact, What Then?, by Francis X. Hezel S.J.
Roundtable discussion garnished with interviews on what will happen to Micronesia at the end of the 15 year Compact of Free Association in the year 2001. Features Resio Moses, William Iriarte and Alex Panuelo.
1994 (46:00 mins) Island Topics #1 COMPACT GOVERNMENT