In 1994 MicSem acquired a modest studio and began producing video programs for television. During nearly 20 years of operation the studio completed 73 programs in the “Island Topics” television series. The programs cover a wide range of subjects: changing women’s roles, health services, migrant labor, alcohol and drug addiction, the highs and lows of island education systems, use of land, the island ecosystem, and the legal system. These programs, all of which are targeted at Micronesian audiences, represent an important thrust of MicSem’s community education.
The video programs include both edited documentaries and dramas featuring a Micronesian cast. They have been broadcast on local television stations throughout the area: in the Marshalls, Palau and the Northern Marianas, as well as in each of the states of the FSM. Copies were distributed to select educational institutions in the region.
A comprehensive listing of the videos is maintained here. Several of the videos are available on DVD at cost upon request, but they may be viewed free of charge in this online theater. All programs are produced in English, but a few are available in local language.
Besides the video production, MicSem also produced several radio programs in local languages, recorded and edited with modern digital equipment. Like its video productions, MicSem radio productions have been broadcast throughout Micronesia, and are available for download upon request.
The MicSem studio was also equipped to handle older formats such as 8mm and 16mm film. Thus, older island footage could be converted to a digital format and then used in MicSem productions and archived in its library.