Effects of Modernization on Three Areas of Island Life , by Francis X. Hezel, SJ
Modernization poses difficult choices for people, especially regarding gender equality, fairness to those outside the family, and balance of concern between the household and the extended family.September 1991 (MC #04) Cultural Social Issues
Spirit Possession in Chuuk: Socio-Cultural Interpretation , by Francis X. Hezel, SJ
Summary of research done on the ways in which spirit possession is used as a means of dealing with family problems.July 1993 (MC #11) Cultural
Culture in Crisis: Trends in the Pacific Today , by Francis X. Hezel, SJ
Review of problem areas in the Pacific resulting from social change.May 1993 (MC #10) Cultural Social Issues
Social Isolation, Cultural Competence, and Disability in the Carolines , by Mac Marshall
How physical disability is understood and dealt with in the islands.January 1994 (MC #13) Cultural Health Social Issues
Land Issues in Chuuk , by Francis X. Hezel, SJ
Report from a two-day conference on land problems in Chuuk.October 1994 (MC #16) Cultural Land Issues
Changes in Family Structure Leading to Alcoholism, Suicide, and Child Abuse , by Donald H. Rubinstein
Anthropological view of how culture change in the family brings about social problems.June 1994 (MC #15) Cultural Family change Suicide
Why Don’t Our Government Offices Work? , by Francis X. Hezel, SJ
Explanation of how cultural values and attitudes obstruct the creation of a government bureaucracy.May 1998 (MC #22) Cultural Government
A Hibiscus In the Wind: The Micronesian Chief and His People , by Francis X. Hezel, SJ
Chiefs had obligations toward their people as well as the other way around.December 1997 (MC #20) Cultural
Becoming a Professional Victim , by Francis X. Hezel, SJ
Argues that the Marshall Islands’ lawsuit against Big Tobacco could be more damaging than the cigarettes they smoked.July 2000 (MC #29) Cultural Government
Settling Disputes , by Francis X. Hezel, SJ
Over-reliance on the courts to settle disputes, even though traditional means are available.January 2002 (MC #39) Cultural Government