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1998 Publications List

Ahlskog, J.E., Waring, Petersen, Esteban-Santillan, Craig, O'Brien, et al. "Olfactory Dysfunction in Guamanian ALS, Parkinsonism, and Dementia." NEUROLOGY. Vol. 51, No. 6 (December 1998), 1672-1677.

Akao, Philemon. "The Meaning of Sustainability in Oceania." TOK BLONG PASIFIK (March/June 1998), Vol. 52, No. 1/2, p. 21.

Alexander, Joseph H. "Tracked Landing Vehicles Proved Their Worth During the Costly Assault on Tarawa." WORLD WAR II. Vol. 13, No. 4 (Nov 98) 26, 3P.

Allen, Donald K. "Mange, overpopulation in dogs on the rise in postwar Tarawa." JAVMA (April 15, 1998), Vol. 212, No. 8, p. 1181. (photocopy)

Allen, James A. "Mangroves As Alien, Species: the Case of Hawaii." GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY. No. 7 (1998), 61-71. (reprint)

Allen, John S. & Karen L. Nero. "Schizophrenia and Influenza in Palau." THE MEDICAL JOURNAL OF AUSTRALIA. Vol. 168, No. 8 (20 April 1998), 421-422. (photocopy)

Allmon, William B. "Gilbert Island Campaign: Takin' Makin." WORLD WAR II. Vol. 13, No. 4 (Nov 98), 58, 9p.

Anae, Melani. "Inside out: methodological issues on being a 'native' researcher." PACIFIC HEALTH DIALOG (September 1998), Vol. 5, No. 2, 273-279, bib.

Anastacio, Juliana M. "Palauan Women: Their Involvement in Politics." In Don Shuster, Peter Larmour & Karin von Strokirch, eds. LEADERSHIP IN THE PACIFIC ISLANDS: TRADITION AND THE FUTURE. [See: 360 S52] Canberra: Australian National University, 1998, 17-26.

Anderson, E. N. "On Intellectual Property." CURRENT ANTHROPOLOGY (December 1998), Vol. 39, No. 5, 687-689.

Anderson, Gerald H., editor. BIOGRAPHICAL DICTIONARY OF CHRISTIAN MISSIONS. New York: Macmillan Reference USA, Simon & Schuster Macmillan, 1998. 845, index, appendices.

Anonymous "Defining Child Neglect." WHAT'S NEW IN. . . (July 1998), Vol. 6, No. 4, 2pp.

Anonymous "Nuclear test atolls declared safe! But islanders want clear assurances from the US government." PACIFIC ISLANDS MONTHLY (July 1998), Vol. 68, No. 7, p. 10-11.

Anonymous. "A New Deep-Water Crab From Belau, Micronesia, With a Key to Proceedings of the Biological Society of Washington. Vol. 111, No. 2. 389.

Anonymous. "Adopting a baby via the Internet." PACIFIC ISLANDS MONTHLY (February 1998), Vol. 68, No. 2, p. 10.

Anonymous. "Australia ensures safe waste handling in the Pacific." PEACE AND DISARMAMENT NEWS, December 1998, p. 24.

Anonymous. "Bombs Old and New Devastate Reefs in the Northern Mariana Archipelago." ENVIRONMENT HAWAII. Vol. 9, No. 2 (August 1998), 1; 3-4. (photocopy).

Anonymous. "Coral Reefs Dominate Integrative Biology Meeting." SCIENCE (6 February 1998), Vol. 279, No. 5352, 807-808.

Anonymous. "Decline in Marshall Islands teen birth rate credited to youth program." PACIFIC ISLANDS MONTHLY (February 1998), Vol. 68, No. 2, p. 11.

Anonymous. "Disaster relief promises improvements to Marshalls' drought of the century." PACIFIC ISLANDS MONTHLY (May 1998), Vol. 68, No. 5, 16-17.

Anonymous. "Who profits from the Pacific's natural treasures?" ENVIRONMENT NEWSLETTER (June 1998), Issue No. 52, 1,10-11.

Anraku, Masateru & Hiroshi Nakajima. "Republic of Nauru." (in Japanese and English) JOURNAL OF THE PACIFIC SOCIETY (April 1998), Vol. 21, NO. 1-2, 57-64.

Antkowiak, Wayne, et al. "Micronesia." In Tim Brown, et al, editors, SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES IN ASIA AND THE PACIFIC, pp, 178-193, bib. Armidale, NSW, Australia: Venereology Publishing Inc., 1998.


Ashby, Gene. "Micronesian Seminar Deals With Issues." PACIFIC MAGAZINE (May/June 1998), Vol. 23, No. 3, 44-45.

Ashby, Gene. Compiler. A POHNPEI BIBLIOGRAPHY. Pohnpei, FSM: College of Micronesia, 1998. 26. (photocopy)

Asian Development Bank. "The Bank's Policy on Indigenous Peoples." Manila: Asian Development Bank, April 1998. 13 + appendix. (photocopy)

Asian Development Bank. "The Bank's Policy on Indigenous Peoples." Asian Development Bank, April 1998. 13 + appendices.

Asian Development Bank. IMPROVING GROWTH PROSPECTS IN THE PACIFIC. Pacific Studies Series. Manila: Asian Development Bank, March 1998. 130, bib.

Asian Development Bank. MARSHALL ISLANDS 1996 ECONOMIC REPORT. Paul & Company Publishers Consortium, Inc., Sept. 1998.

ATOC Consortium. "Ocean Climate Change: Comparison of Acoustic Tomography, Satellite Altimetry, and Modeling." SCIENCE (28 August 1998), Vol. 281, No. 5381, 1327-1332, figs, bib.

Auerbach, Steven B. "Acute rheumatic fever and rheumatic heart disease: a prevention program for the Pacific." PACIFIC HEALTH DIALOG (March 1998), Vol. 5, No. 1, 176-179, bib.

Babauta, Juan N. 1997 REPORT OF THE RESIDENT REPRESENTATIVE. Washington, D.C.: Office of the Resident Representative to the United States, March 1, 1998. 31, appendix.

Babauta, Juan N. RESIDENT REPRESENTATIVE JUAN N. BABAUTA ACTIVITIES AND ACSCOMPLISHMENTS 1990-1997. Washington, D.C.: Office of the Resident Representative to the United States, 1998. 103.

Babauta, Juan N. RESIDENT REPRESENTATIVE JUAN N. BABAUTA ACTIVITIES AND ACCOMPLISHMENTS 1990-1997. Washington, D.C.: Office of the Resident Representative to the United States, 1998. 103. (photocopy)

Bailey-Brock, J.H. "Ecology and Biodiversity of Coral Reef Polychaetes of Guam and Saipan, Mariana Islands." INTERNATIONS REVIEW OF HYDROBIOLOGY. Vol. 84, No. 2 (1999), p181.

Baker, D. James. YEAR OF THE OCEAN DISCUSSION PAPERS, MARCH 1998. Washington, D.C.: National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, 1998. Varied paging.

Ballendorf, Dirk Anthony. "A Battle of Sorts in the Splendid Little War: in the U.S. Capture of Guam in 1898." JOURNAL OF THE PACIFIC SOCIETY (April 1998), Vol. 21, No. 1-2, 5-9.

Ballendorf, Dirk Anthony. "William V. Vitarelli: A Colonial Hero in Micronesia." In Don Shuster, Peter Larmour & Karin von Strokirch, eds. LEADERSHIP IN THE PACIFIC ISLANDS: TRADITION AND THE FUTURE. [See: 360 S52] Canberra: Australian National University, 1998, 58-64.

Bank of Hawaii. "Federated States of Micronesia (FSM) Economic and Policy Update." PACIFIC ECONOMIC REPORT (April 1998), Vol. 1, No. 1, 1-7.

Bank of Hawaii. "Pacific Island Fact Sheet." PACIFIC ECONOMIC REPORT (April 1998), Vol. 1, No. 1, 8-11.

Bank of Hawaii. "Republic of the Marshall Islands (RMI) Economic and Policy Update." PACIFIC ECONOMIC REPORT (April 1998), Vol. 1, No. 2, 1-7.

Barbour, Nancy. PALAU. 3rd ed. Rev. San Francisco: Full Court Press. 175, ill.

Barczak, Mary J. COMPUTER SKILLS TRAINING: POHNPEI STATE AUDITORS OFFICE. Eugene, Oregon: University of Oregon Micronesia and South Pacific Program, 1998. 122, ill, appendices.

Bedrick, Barry R. U.S. INSULAR AREAS: APPLICATION OF THE U.S. CONSTITUTION. Report to the Chairman, Committee on Resources, House of Representatives, November 1997. GAO/OGC-98-5. Washington, D.C.: U.S. General Accounting Office, Office of the General Counsel, 1998. 71.

Bennett, Janice Shizue, Darin Kawazoe, & Steven L. Gallon. TEACHING ABOUT ALCOHOL AND OTHER DRUGS and SCREENING, ASSESSMENT INTERVIEWING AND CASE PLANNING. Guam: Pacific Institute for Counselor and Educator Development, 1998. 107.


Beteille, Andre "The Idea of Indigenous People." CURRENT ANTHROPOLOGY (April 1998), Vol. 39, No. 2, 187-191.

Blanc, Leopold J. "WHO response to resurgence of tuberculosis: the DOTS strategy for effective control." PACIFIC HEALTH DIALOG (March 1998), Vol. 5, No. 1, 105-107.

Block, Jeanne. YAP STATE DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH SERVICES: HEALTH EDUCATION PROJECTS AND TRAINING. Eugene, Oregon: University of Oregon Micronesia and South Pacific Program, 1998. 88, ill, appendices.

Booth, Heather. PACIFIC ISLAND SUICIDE IN COMPARATIVE PERSPECTIVE. Working Papers in Demography No. 76. Canberra: Australian National University, Research School of Social Sciences, 1998. 18, bib.

Borja, Juan & Gerald Haberkorn, et al. CNMI POPULATION PROFILE: BASED ON THE 1995 CENSUS OF POPULATION AND HOUSING. A GUIDE FOR PLANNERS AND POLICY MAKERS. Noumea, New Caledonia: Secretariat of the Pacific Community, 1998. 116.

Bowers, Barbara. "The Lessons of Typhoon Paka and Other Disasters Provide a Blueprint for Reviewing Business-Interruption Coverage." BEST REVIEW. (August 1998), 36-38.

Bowles, Ian A., R. E. Rice, R. A. Mittermeier, & G. A. B. da Fonseca. "Logging and Tropical Forest Conservation." SCIENCE (19 June 1998), Vol. 280, No. 5371, 1899-1900.

Brelsford, Gregg. "Compacts of Free Association in the Trust Territory of the Pacific Islands: Plebiscite in the Republic of Palau". HARVARD INTERNATIONAL LAW JOURNAL. Vol. 29, No. 1 (Winter 1998), 149-159.

Brown, Michael F. "Can Culture Be Copyrighted?" CURRENT ANTHROPOLOGY (April 1998), Vol. 39, No. 2, 193-206.

Brown, Tim, et al, editors. SEXUALLY TRANSMITTED DISEASES IN ASIA AND THE PACIFIC. Armidale, NSW, Australia: Venereology Publishing Inc., 1998. 404, index.

Bruce, Tim. "A Time for Heroes: Leadership and Political Change in the Pacific." In Don Shuster, Peter Larmour & Karin von Strokirch, eds. LEADERSHIP IN THE PACIFIC ISLANDS: TRADITION AND THE FUTURE. [See: 360 S52] Canberra: Australian National University, 1998, 126-131.

Brunal-Perry, Omaira "Spanish Missionaries in the Mariana Islands." In Javier Galvan, PACIFIC ISLANDS: THE SPANISH LEGACY, pp. 45-49. Spain: Ministry of Education and Culture, 1998.

Bruss, Jon B. & Artin Mahmoudi. "The tuberculosis epidemic in the CNMI." PACIFIC HEALTH DIALOG (March 1998), Vol. 5, No. 1, 171-175, bib.

Bruss, Jon. COMMONWEALTH OF THE NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS ANNUAL PUBLIC HEALTH PROGRESS REPORT 1996. Saipan, CNMI: CNMI Department of Public Health, Division of Public Health, 1998. 65, figs, tabs.

Bryans, Lota et al. "An Annotated Bibliography of Children's Literature of Micronesia." In Marilyn Salas, ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHIES PREPARED BY STUDENTS IN ED 642: SEMINAR IN LITERATURE FOR CHILDREN AND YOUNG ADULTS, 1-12. Guam: University of Guam, College of Education, 1998.

Buden, Donald W. "Morphological Variation and Distributional Ecology of the Giant Micronesian Gecko (Perochirus scutellatus) of Kapingamarangi Atoll". PACIFIC SCIENCE. Vol. 52, No. 3 (1998), 250-258.

Buden, Donald W. "The birds of Kapingamarangi Atoll, including first record of the Shining Cuckoo (Chrysococcyx lucidus) from Micronesia." (reprint) NOTORNIS (1998), Vol. 45, 141-153.

Campbell, Bruce L. "Palm trees and concrete: Tourism in the FSM." (text only) GUAM BUSINESS NEWS (June 1998), 7pp. (computer file printout)

Campbell, I. C. "Double Ghosts. Oceanian Voyagers on Euroamerican Ships. By David A. Chappell." (book review) JOURNAL OF PACIFIC HISTORY (1998), Vol. 33, No. 2, p. 255.

Cane, Mark A. "A Role for the Tropical Pacific." SCIENCE (2 October 1998), Vol. 282. No. 5386, 59-60.

Carucci, Laurence Marshall. "Shifting Stances, Differing Glances: Reflections on Anthropological Practice in the Marshall Islands". In Juliana Flinn, et al, eds, FIELDWORK AND FAMILIES: CONSTRUCTING NEW MODELS FOR ETHNOGRAPHIC RESEARCH. Honolulu, Hawai'i: Hawai'i University Press, 1998. 169-189.

Center for Mental Health Services, SAMHSA. CULTURAL COMPETENCE STANDARDS IN MANAGED MENTAL HEALTH CARE FOR FOUR UNDERSERVED/UNDERREPRESENTED RACIAL/ETHNIC GROUPS. Final Report from Working Groups on Cultural Competence in Managed Mental Health Care, November 1998. Rockville, MD: Center for Mental Health Services, Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA), 1998. 76, glossary.

Chamberlain, K. "The Pacific Regional Consultation on the Convention on the Rights of the Child: Monitoring and Reporting, August 97." PACIFIC HEALTH DIALOG (March 1998), Vol. 5, No. 1, 94-95, bib.

Chambers, Ethel Davis. CULTURAL COMPETENCE PERFORMANCE MEASURES FOR MANAGED BEHAVIORAL HEALTHCARE PROGRAMS. Albany, New York: New York State Office of Mental Health, 1998. 50, figs, bib, appendices. (photocopy)

Chan, Tom 1947. LETTERS FROM RITANG: A FAMILY IN KIRIBATI. Winnipeg: Peguis, 1998. 22p.: ill.; 26 cm.

Chen, K.M. & U.K. Craig. "Familial Nature and Continuing Morbidity of the ALS-PDC of Guam." NEUROLOGY. Vol. 51, No. 2 (August 1998), 643-644. (photocopy)

Childress, David Hatcher. ANCIENT MICRONESIA & THE LOST CITY OF NAN MADOL INCLUDING PALAU, YAP, KOSRAE, CHUUK & THE MARIANAS. Kempton, Illinois: Adventures Unlimited Press, 1998. 200.

Cho, John Nagamichi SPAM-KU: TRANQUIL REFLECTIONS ON LUNCHEON LOAF. New York: Harper-Collins, 1998. n.p.

Christiansen, Thue. DEVELOPING A FOREIGN INVESTMENT GUIDE FOR KOSRAE. Eugene, Oregon: University of Oregon Micronesia and South Pacific Program, 1998. 23, appendices + guide.

Chun, Malcolm Naea, translator & editor. NATIVE HAWAIIAN MEDICINE, VOLUME II. In Hawaiian and English. Honolulu, Hawaii: First People's Productions, 1998. x, 44, 53.

Churney, Robert. "Political Culture and Political Process: Fiji, American Samoa and Palau." In Don Shuster, Peter Larmour & Karin von Strokirch, eds. LEADERSHIP IN THE PACIFIC ISLANDS: TRADITION AND THE FUTURE. [See: 360 S52] Canberra: Australian National University, 1998, 102-125.

Clarke, Thurston. "Outposts: Friendly Persuasion." ISLANDS. (October 1998), 58; 60; 62-63. (photocopy)

Cleghorn, Paul L. "Archaeological Investigations at Kagman Airfield, Kagman, Saipan, Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands." Paper prepared for Wil Chee Planning, Inc. and submitted to US Army Corps of Engineers, November 1998. Unpublished paper. US Army Corps Engineers, Pacific Division, Hawaii, November 1998, 20-53. (photocopy)

CNMI & Northern Marianas Council for the Humanities REFLECTIONS ON OUR SPANISH LEGACY: A CULTURAL JOURNEY Saipan: CNMI Council for the Humanities, 1998. 14.

CNMI Commonwealth Development Authority. COMMONWEALTH DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY: 1998 ANNUAL REPORT. Saipan: CNMI, Commonwealth Development Authority, 1998. 19.

CNMI Department of Commerce, Central Statistics Division 1995 CENSUS OF POPULATION AND HOUSING: SOCIAL, ECONOMIC, AND HOUSING CHARACTERISTCS: COMMONWEALTH OF THE NORTHERN MARIANA ISLANDS. Saipan: CNMI Department of Commerce, Central Statistics Division, January 1998. 248 + appendices, maps.

Cohen, Arlene. "IFLA-ALP Funded Workshop on Library Advocacy, Pohnpei, Federated States of Micronesia, November 1997." IFLA JOURNAL. Vol. 24, No. 2 (Mar 98). p128.

Cohen, Arlene. WASAHN KAMARAIN (PLACE OF ENLIGHTENMENT). Papers from the 7th Pacific Islands Association of Libraries and Archives Conference held at Pohnpei, FSM, November 3-5, 1997. Pacific Islands Association of Libraries and Archives (PIALA), 1998. 126.

Cole, Thomas G., Katherine C. Ewel, Nora N. Devoe. "Structure of Mangrove Trees and Forests in Micronesia." FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT. Vol. 117, No. 1 (1999), p 95.

College of Micronesia Students. HOW TO COOK DOGS & THE SHORE COUCH. Pohnpei: COM-FSM Department of Language and Literature, 1998. Expository Writing 1, Spring 98 & Writing II, Fall 98. No pagination.

Collier, Ann Futterman, Faith H. MacLure. "Culture-Specific Views of Child Maltreatment and Parenting Styles in a Pacific-Island Community." CHILD ABUSE & NEGLECT. Vol. 23, Issue 3 (Mar 1999), p 229, 16p, 6 charts.

Commonwealth Law Revision Commission. "1999 Commonwealth Code Supplement Legislation: March 1998-Present. Code Sections Amended, Created, Repealed or Renumbered As of March 17, 1998." Saipan: Commonwealth Law Revision Commission, 1998. 3.

Compagnone, Reinaldo S. & Ivette C. Pina. "Antileishmanial Cyclic Peroxides from the Palauan Sponge Plakortis aff. Angulospiculatus." TETRAHEDRON. Vol 54 (1998), 3057-3068. (photocopy)

Connell, John & John P. Lea. ISLAND TOWNS: MANAGING URBANIZATION IN MICRONESIA. Occasional Paper 40. Honolulu: University of Hawai'i at Manoa; and Sydney: University of Sydney, 1998. 226, maps, bib.

Cook, Paul & Colin Kirkpatrick. "Labor Market Adjustment in Small Open Economies: The Case of Micronesia." WORLD DEVELOPMENT (1998), Vol. 26, No. 5, 845-855.

Coon, H., M. Myles-Worsley, J. Tiobech, M. Hoff, J. Rosenthal. "Evidence for a Chromosome 2p 13-14 Schizophrenia Susceptibility Locus in Families from Palau, Micronesia." MOL PSYCHIATRY. Vol. 3, No. 6 (Nov 1998), 521-7.

Costanza, Robert, et al. "Principles for Sustainable Governance of the Oceans." SCIENCE (10 July 1998), Vol. 281, No. 5374, 198-199.

Craib, John L. ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXCAVATIONS IN THE UYULAN REGION OF ROTA. Micronesian Archaeological Survey Report No. 33. Mudgeeraba, QLD, Australia: Bonhomme, Craib & Associates, 1998. 288, ill, bib.

Cresap, Sarah H. "A retrospective: 1997 in review." GUAM BUSINESS (January 1998), Vol. 15, No. 11, 10-24.

Crook, William Pascoe, Samuel Greatheed & Tima'u Te'ite'i. AN ESSAY TOWARD A DICTIONARY AND GRAMMAR OF THE LESSER-AUSTRALIAN LANGUAGE, ACCORDING TO THE DIALECT USED AT THE MARQUESAS (1799). Edited by H.G.A. Hughes and S.R. Fischer. Monograph Series of the Institutes of Polynesian Languages and Literatures. Auckland: The Institute of Polynesian Languages and Literatures, 1998. lxi + 112, bib, appendices.

Dalton, John H. "Law of the Sea Treaty: Advice, Consent, and Impact." SEA TECHNOLOGY (August 1998), Vol. 39, No. 8, p. 137.

Dalzell, P., A. Smith. "A Rapid Data Collection and Assessment of the Biology of Acanthurus Nigrifuscus at Woleai Atoll, Micronesia." JOURNAL OF FISH BIOLOGY. Vol. 52, Issue 2 (Feb 1998), 386-397.

Dang, T. Lam. "Principles of governance as applied to the FSM." Unpublished paper, 1998. 6.

Darroch, Neil. IMPROVED ECONOMIC USE OF LAND FSM – VALUATION ASPECTS. Paper presented at Second FSM Banking and Investment Symposium, October 19-20, 1998. Unpublished paper, 1998. 8.

Dayton, Paul K. "Reversal of the Burden of Proof in Fisheries Management." SCIENCE (6 February 1998), Vol. 279, No. 5352, 821-822.

Decloittre, Patrick. "Sydney Olympics torch to highlight remote South Pacific flavour." PACIFIC ISLANDS MONTHLY (July 1998), Vol. 68, No. 7, p. 56.

Deloitte & Touche. "Federated States of Micronesia Development Bank: Financial Statements and Independent Auditor's Report Year Ended December 31, 1997." Guam: Deloitte & Touche, March 1998. 21.

Deloitte & Touche. "Kosrae Utilities Authority: Financial Statements and Independent Auditors' Report Years Ended September 30, 1997 and 1996." Guam: Deloitte & Touche, February 1998. 18.

Deloitte & Touche. "Pohnpei Port Authority: Financial Statements and Independent Report Years Ended September 30, 1997." Guam: Deloitte & Touche, February 1998. 14.

Dernbach, Katherine Boris. ENACTING MOTHERHOOD: STRATEGIES OF GRASS-ROOTS COMMUNITY-BUILDING BY CATHOLIC WOMEN IN CHUUK, MICRONESIA. Master's thesis, University of Iowa, February 1998. 70, bib.


Dever, Greg. "Twelfth International Congress on Child Abuse and Neglect: 'Protecting Children: Innovation and Inspiration', Auckland, September '98." PACIFIC HEALTH DIALOG (Sepember 1998), Vol. 5, No. 2, 280-281, bib.

Devoe, Nora N. & Thomas G. Cole. "Growth and Yield in Mangrove Forests of the Federated States of Micronesia." FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT. No. 103 (1998), 33-48. (reprint)

Dewar, Sharon M., Alex Moss. "Guam." ALL HANDS. Issue 979 (Nov. 98), p 26, 2p.

Diego, Vincent P. "Sociocultural vectors and the evolution of virulence in diarrheal pathogens affecting Micronesian populations." PACIFIC HEALTH DIALOG (1998), Vol. 5, No. 1, 54-66. (photocopy)

Diego, Vincent P. "Sociocultural vectors and the evolution of virulence in diarrheal pathogens affecting Micronesian populations." PACIFIC HEALTH DIALOG (March 1998), Vol. 5, No. 1, 54-66, bib.

Dobbin, Jay & Francis X. Hezel, SJ. SUSTAINABLE HUMAN DEVELOPMENT IN MICRONESIA. THE MICRONESIAN COUNSELOR (March 1998), Series 2, No. 4. 48pp., bib.

Dobbin, Jay, Innocente I. Oneisom & Michael Mason. "Drugs in Micronesia". In Noreen Mokuau, ed., RESPONDING TO PACIFIC ISLANDERS: CULTURALLY COMPETENT PERSPECTIVES FOR SUBSTANCE ABUSE PREVENTION. CSAP Cultural Competence Series 8 Special Collaborative Edition. Washington, D.C.: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, 1998. 151-184, bib.

Donahue, Tim. "Achieving Educational Excellence in Majuro, RMI. Promising Practices in the Pacific Region." Pacific Resources of Education and Learning, Honolulu, HI.

Douglas, Michele Toomay ., Michael Pietrusewsky. "Skeletal Biology of Apurguan: A Precontact Chamorro Site." AMERICAN JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ANTHROPOLOGY. Vol. 104, Issue 3 (Nov. 97), p. 291, 23p, 10 charts, 1 graph, 2bw.

Douglas, Norman. "Movies and the Pacific: Reel Paradise." PACIFIC MAGAZINE (January/February 1998), Vol. 23, No. 1, Issue 127, 50-52.

Douglass, Anne Roberta. CHILDREARING AND ADOPTION ON WOLEAI ATOLL: ATTACHMENT AND YOUNG CHILDREN'S RESPONSES TO SEPARATION. A Thesis Presented to the Department of Psychology, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, December, 1998. 227, map, tabs, appendix, bib.

Duenas, Joseph E. & Laura Lee Henderson. "Guam's Health Care Industry: What's the Diagnosis?" DIRECTIONS (December/January 1998), Vol. 3, No. 5, 23-34.

Durand, A. Mark. "Lepromatous leprosy masquerading as neurofibromatosis." PACIFIC HEALTH DIALOG (March 1998), Vol. 5, No. 1, 70-73.

Efrain F. Camacho, Engineers, Architects. PRELIMINARY STRUCTURAL EVALUATION REPORT OF JAPANESE PRE-WWII BUILDING (SUGAR CANE MILL), MT. CARMEL SCHOOL. CNMI: Efrain F. Camacho, 1998. 6 + supplements, exhibits, photos. (photocopy)

Egan, James Arthur. TARO, FISH, AND FUNERALS: TRANSFORMATIONS IN THE YAPESE CULTURAL TOPOGRAPHY OF WEALTH. Ph.D. dissertation, University of California, Irvine, 1998. 382, bib, figs, glossary. (photocopy)

Ehman, Melissa. "Tb training in Micronesia." (letter) PACIFIC HEALTH DIALOG (March 1998), Vol. 5, No. 1, p. 219.

Ekiek, Mayleen Jack. "Noncompliance to anti-tuberculosis medication in Pohnpei, Micronesia." PACIFIC HEALTH DIALOG (March 1998), Vol. 5, No. 1, 72-73.

Englberger, Lois. "Current vitamin A campaign in Chuuk, Micronesia." SIGHT AND LIFE NEWSLETTER (3/1998), 5-7. (photocopy)

Esclaire F., G. Kisby, P. Spencer, J. Milne, M. Lesort, J. Hugon. "The Guam Cycad Toxin Methylazoxymethanol Damages Neuronal DNA." EXP. NEUROL. Vol. 155, Issue 1 (Jan 1999), 11-12.

Ess, Matt Van. O LE PUPU PU'E NATIONAL PARK & TOGITOGIGA RECREATION RESERVE DRAFT MANAGEMENT PLAN PROJECT. Eugene, Oregon: University of Oregon Micronesia and South Pacific Program, 1998. 61, photos, maps, appendices.

Eugenio, Haidee V. "Leprosy in Micronesia." ISLANDS VARIETY. Vol. 1, No. 23 (Nov. 14-2, 1998), 15.

Ewel, Katherine C., John Bourgeois, Thomas Cole & Songfa Zheng. "Variation in Environmental Characteristics and Vegetation in High-Rainfall Mangrove Forests, Kosrae, Micronesia." GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY LETTERS. No. 7 (1998), 49-56. (reprint)

Ewel, Katherine C., Songfa Zheng, Zuleika Pinzon & John Bourgeois. "Environmental EFfects of Canopy Gap Foramtion in High-Rainfall Mangrove Forests." BIOTROPICA. Vol. 30, No. 4 (1998), 510-518. (reprint)


Fahrenkrog, Erin Marie. REPUBLIC OF PALAU SITE BROCHURE DESIGN PROJECT. Eugene, Oregon: University of Oregon Micronesia and South Pacific Program, December 1998. 56, appendices, brochures, ill.

Fajardo, Aldwin R. "Casino gives hope to CNMI's slumping tourism industry." PACIFIC ISLANDS MONTHLY (June 1998), Vol. 68, No. 6, p. 26.

Farber, M.A. "The Forgotten Eden." cover story. CONDE NAST TRAVELLER. Vol.34, Issue 4 (April 99), p112, 12p, 1 map, 9c.

Farrer, Matt, et al. "Low Frequency of [alpha]-Synuclein Mutations in Familial Parkinson's Disease." ANNALS OF NEUROLOGY (March 1998), Vol. 43, No. 3, 394-397. (photocopy)

Feasley, Jill C. & Robert S. Lawrence, editors. PACIFIC PARTNERSHIPS FOR HEALTH: CHARTING A COURSE FOR THE 21ST CENTURY. Washington, D.C.: National Academy Press, 1998. 154.

Feasley, Jill C. & Robert S. Lawrence, editors. PACIFIC PARTNERSHIPS FOR HEALTH: CHARTING A COURSE FOR THE 21ST CENTURY: SUMMARY. Washington, D. C.: National Academy Press, 1998. 13.

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). FINAL REPORT: GUAM LONG-TERM RECOVERY TASK FORCE, APRIL 1998. Washington, D.C., Federal Emergency Management Agency, 1998. 34 + appendices.

Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) & Government of Guam TYPHOON PAKA: OBSERVATIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS ON BUILDING PERFORMANCE AND ELECTRICAL POWER DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM, GUAM, U.S.A.: FINAL REPORT. FEMA-1193-DR-GU. Washington, D.C.: Federal Emergency Management Agency, March 1998. varied paging, appendices.

Federated States of Micronesia Office of the Public Auditor. THE EMBASSY OF THE FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA SUVA, FIJI SEPTEMBER 30, 1997, 1996, 1995 & 1994. Palikir, FSM: FSM Office of the Public Auditor, 1998. 9, tab + responses.

Federated States of Micronesia Office of the Public Auditor. THE EMBASSY OF THE FEDERATED STATES OF MICRONESIA TOKYO, JAPAN SEPTEMBER 30, 1997, 1996, 1995 AND 1994. Palikir, FSM: FSM Office of the Public Auditor, 1998. 11, tab + response.

Ferrar, Derek. "A Journey Down Air Mike's Memory Flight Path." PACIFICA (Continental Micronesia). Vol 7, No. 3 (June/July 1998), 22-31.

Ferrar, Derek. "Birds of a Feather: Thirty Years of 'Growing Up with Micronesia'." PACIFICA (CONTINENTAL AIRLINES). Vol. 7, No. 3 (June/July 1998), 45-49.

Ferrar, Derek. Photographs by David B. Fleetham. "Fairytale at Ten Fathoms: Yap's 'Magic Kingdom.'" PACIFICA (August/September 1998), Vol. 7, No. 4, 42-45.

Field, Michael "Global capitalism falling apart just as Pacific embraces it." PACIFIC ISLANDS MONTHLY (November 1998), Vol. 68, No. 11, pp. 50, 56.

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