MicSem Library
2003 Publications List
Adam, Irina E., Michael J. Balick and Roberta A. Lee. USEFUL PLANTS OF POHNPEI: A LITERATURE SURVEY AND DATABASE. Institute of Economic Botany, New York Botanical Garden, July 2003. 431.
Aitaoto, Nia T., Kathryn L. Braun, Henry M. Ichiho, Rie L. Kuhaulua. "Diabetes Today in the Pacific: Reports from the Field." Prepared for the Pacific Health Dialog, March 2003. 21.
Alampay, Ramon Benedicto A. VISITORS TO GUAM: MODELING SATISFACTION, QUALITY AND INTENTIONS. PhD dissertation, Michigan State University. Ann Arbor: University Microfilms International, 2003. 134. (photocopy)
Alexander, J.H. "Island Victory: The Battle of Kwajalein Atoll." JOURNAL OF MILITARY HISTORY. Vol. 67, Issue 4 (October 2003), 1326-1327.
Allen, James A., Ken W. Krauss, Robert D. Hauff. "Factors Limiting the Intertidal Distribution of the Mangrove Species Xylocarpus Granatum." OECOLOGIA. Vol. 135 (2003), 110-121.
Arama, Vaine Wichman, James McMaster, Heidi Arboleda. FEASIBILITY STUDY: A PACIFIC FUND FOR POVERTY ANALYSIS. A final draft report to ADB and NZAID. Feasibility study. Manila: Asian Development Bank, April 2003. 62.
Asami R., T. Yamada, et. al. "Interannual and Decadal Variability of Sea Surface Condition Recorded in Guam Coral for the Years 1787-2000." GEOCHEMICA ET COSMOCHIMICA ACTA. Vol. 67, Issue 18 (September 2003), A27.
Asian Development Bank "Program Performance Audit Report on the Public Sector ReformManila, Philippines: Asian Development Bank, June 2003. 26.
Asian Development Bank. "Technical Assistance to the Republic of Kiribati for supporting Land Use Management on Kirimati (Christmas) Island." TAR: KIR 37374. Asian Development Bank, December 2003. 14.
Asian Development Bank. "Technical Assistance to the Federated States of Micronesia for Strengthening of Public Sector Management and Administration." TAR: FSM 33316. Asian Development Bank, Cofinanced by the Government of the United States, December 2003. 14.
Asian Development Bank "Technical Assistance to the Republic of the Marshall Islands for preparing the Youth Social Services Project." TAR: RMI 34212. Financed by the Japan Special Fund. Asian Development Bank, November 2003. 11. (photocopy).
Bank of Hawaii. "Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands Economic Report October 2003." Pacific Islands Development Program, East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2003. 23.
Barnes, Kurt C. A MODEL HEALTH-RELATED ELEMENTARY PHYSICAL EDUCATION PROGRAM FOR SAIPAN: TEACHER'S KNOWLEDGE, ATTITUDES, AND PRACTICES. PhD dissertation, University of San Diego. Ann Arbor: University of Microfilms International, 2002. 232. (photocopy)
Beardsley, Felicia. SAFONFOK KOSRAE: EMERGENCE OF COMPLEXITY. Pacific Rim Research Unit. Department of Anthropology, University of California, Riverside. University of California, Riverside, September 2003. 107 + addendum.
Belcher, William R. REPORT OF INVESTIGATIONS: REPUBLIC OF PALAU, 13 TO 18 NOVEMBER 2001. Hickam AFB, Hawaii: U.S. Central Identification Laboratory, August 7, 2003. 23 + 19.
Beverly, Steve, Lindsay Chapman & William Sokimi. HORIZONTAL LONGLINE FISHINIG METHODS AND TECHNIQUES: A MANUAL FOR FISHERMEN. Noumea, New Caledonia: Secretariat of the Pacific Community, 2003. 130.
Braun, Kathryn L., et al. "From Theory to Practice: Diabetes Today in the Pacific." Draft The Pacific Diabetes Today Resource Center, Honolulu, Hawaii, May 6, 2003. 18.
Braun, Kathryn L., et al. "Empowerment Through Community Building: Diabetes Today in the Pacific." JOURNAL OF PUBLIC HEALTH MANAGEMENT PRACTICE. (November 2003), S19-S25.
Campbell, Bruce L. "Marianas Visitors Authority 2002 Annual Report." Marianas Visitors Authority, Saipan, Marianas, 2003. 29.
Cheshire. C.L. "Developing an Export Industry in Micronesia." MICRONESIAN COUNSELOR. Issue 47 (June 2, 2003). 18.
Chiang, Lan-Hung Nora, John Lidstone, Rebecca A. Stephenson. eds. GLOBAL PROCESSES, LOCAL IMPACTS: THE EFFECTS OF GLOBALIZATION IN THE PACIFIC-ASIA REGION. Guam: University of Guam, 2003. 96.
Chism, Nancy. "Preserve the Best. Improve the Rest." PACIFIC MAGAZINE. Vol. 28, No. 4/Issue 172 (April 2003), 12-15.
Clark, Geoffrey. "Dumont d'Urville's Oceania." THE JOURNAL OF PACIFIC HISTORY. Vol. 38, No. 2 (2003), 155-161.
CNMI Public School System. "Vocational Education Program: Standards and Benchmarks."CNMI Public School System, June 23. varied paging.
CNMI, Office of the Public Auditor. "Audit of the Attorney General's Investigative Unit Confidential Informant/Cash Funds October 1, 1994 through April 30, 2002." Audit report AR-03-04. CNMI Office of the Public Auditor, Saipan, 2003. 13.
CNMI Office of the Auditor. "Department of Public Health Hiring of Nurses Directly by the Commonwealth Health Center Versus Contracting Through Manpower Agencies." Audit Report AR-03-06. CNMI Office of the Auditor, Saipan, 2003. 29.
CNMI Public School System. CNMI HEALTH/HIV STANDARDS AND BENCHMARKS. Revised. Saipan: CNMI Sate Board of Education, Public School System, June 2003. 35.
CNMI Ports Authority. "CNMI Ports Authority 2002 Annual Report." CNMI Ports Authority, Saipan, 2003. 19.
CNMI Public School System. SOCIAL STUDIES: STANDARDS AND BENCHMARKS. Revised. Saipan: Public School System, June 2003. varied paging.
CNMI Department of Commerce Central Statistics Division. "2003 CNMI Community Survey." In 2003 CNMI American Community Survey. Department of Commerce Central Statistics Division, CNMI, c2003. Unpaged.
CNMI, Commonwealth Development Authority. COMMONWEALTH DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY: 2002 ANNUAL REPORT. CNMI Commonwealth Development Authority, Saipan, 2003. 26.
CNMI Office of the Auditor. "CNMI Senate Monthly Subsistence Allowance Provided to Members of the Senate Covering the Six Months Ending June 30, 2002." Audit Report AR-03-05. CNMI Office of the Auditor, Saipan, 2003. 33.
CNMI Public School System. "Accreditation Committee Reports: Spring 2003." CNMI Public School System, c2003. varied paging.
CNMI Public School System. "Student Academic Achievement Report School Year 2002-2003." Presented to the State Board of Education, October 2003. CNMI Public School System, 2003. 141.
CNMI Office of the Auditor. "Northern Marianas College Evaluation of the Facts and Circumstances Surrounding the Termination of Employees." Audit Report AR-03-03.CNMI Office of the Auditor, Saipan, 2003. 41.
CNMI Public School System. "Mathematics." CNMI Public School System, Saipan, June 2003. 54.
CNMI Public School System. "K-12 Science: Standards and Benchmarks." CNMI Public School System, June 2003. 29.
CNMI Public School System. "Language Arts: Standards and Benchmarks." RevisedCNMI Public School System, 2003. 36.
CNMI Office of the Auditor. "Report on CNMI Agencies' Implementation of Audit Recommendations as of December 31, 2003." CNMI, Office of the Auditor, Saipan, 2003. 137.
Cohen, Arlene & Sandra Henderson. DIRECTORY OF LIBRARIES AND ARCHIVES IN THE PACIFIC ISLANDS. 2ne edition. Guam: University of Guam, December 2003. 214
Coutinho, Paulo. ed. REVISTA DE CULTURA. (REVIEW OF CULTURE). Macau, China: Instituto Cultural do Governo, 2003.
Curtis, Michael. "The Obesity Epidemic in the Pacific Islands." PPA 756: Policy and Administration in Developing Countries, Fall 2003. 27.
D'Urville, Dumont Jules-Sebastian-Cesar. "On the Islands of the Great Ocean." THE JOURNAL OF PACIFIC HISTORY. Vol. 38, No. 2 (2003), 163-174.
Deloitte & Touche. "CNMI, Ports Authority Financial Statement and Independent Auditor's Report, Year Ended September 30, 2002 and 2001." Saipan: Deloitte and Touche, 2003. 37.
Englberger, Lois. "Carotenoid-rich Bananas in Micronesia." THE INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL ON BANANAS AND PLANTAIN. Vol. 12, No. 2 (December 2003), 2-5. photocopy
Englberger, Lois, I. Darnton-Hill, T. Coyne, M. Fitzgerald & G. Marks. "Carotenoid-rich Bananas: A Potential Food Source for Alleviating Vitamin A Deficiency." FOOD AND NUTRITION BULLETIN. Vol. 24, No. 4 (2003), 303-318. photocopy
Englberger, L., W. Aalbersberg, et. al. "Further Analyses on Micronesian Banana, Taro, Breadfruit and other Foods for Provitamin A Carotenoids and Minerals." JOURNAL OF FOOD COMPOSITION AND ANALYSIS. Vol. 16, Issue 2 (April 2003), 219-236.
Englberger, L., M.H. Fitzgerald, et. al. "Pacific Pandanus Fruit: An Ethnographic Approach to Understanding an Overlooked Source of Provitamin A Carotenoids." ASIA PACIFIC JOURNAL OF CLINICAL NUTRITION. Vol. 12, Issue 1(2003), 38-44.
Englberger, Lois, Geoffrey C. Marks & Maureen H. Fitzgerald. "Insights on Food and Nutrition in the Federated States of Micronesia: A Review of the Literature." PUBLIC HEALTH NUTRITION. Vol. 6, No. 1 (February 2003), 5-17.
Englberger, L., W. Aalbersberg, et. al. "Provitamin A Carotenoid Content of Different Cultivars of Edible Pandanus Fruit." JOURNAL OF FOOD COMPOSITION AND ANALYSIS. Vol. 16, Issue 2 (April 2003), 237-247.
Ewel, K.C., and R.D. Hauf. "Analyzing Mangrove Forest Structure and Species Distribution on a Pacific Island." PHYTOCOENOLOGIA. Vol. 33, No. 2 (June 2003), 251-266.
Federated States of Micronesia. ECONOMIC POLICY IMPLEMENTATION COUNCIL (EPIC) MEETING. Briefing book. EPIC-2003-3, October 28-30, 2003, Palikir, Pohnpei, FSM. FSM National Government, Palikir, Pohnpei, 2003. 156.
Federated States of Micronesia. ECONOMIC POLICY IMPLEMENTATION COUNCIL (EPIC) MEETING. Briefing book. EPIC-2003-1, March 24-26, 2003, Palikir, Pohnpei, FSM. FSM National Government, Palikir, Pohnpei, 2003. 49.
Federated States of Micronesia. ECONOMIC POLICY IMPLEMENTATION COUNCIL (EPIC) MEETING: DISTRIBUTION FORMULA WORKING COMMITTEE MEETING. Briefing book. April 7-8, 2003, Palikir, Pohnpei, FSM. FSM National Government, Palikir, Pohnpei, 2003. varied pages
Federated States of Micronesia. ECONOMIC POLICY IMPLEMENTATION COUNCIL (EPIC) MEETING. Briefing book. EPIC-2003-2, April 21-24, 2003, Lelu, Kosrae, FSM. FSM National Government, Palikir, Pohnpei, 2003. 63
Fitzpatrick, Scott M. "Ceramic Petrography and Cultural Interaction in Palau, Micronesia." JOURNAL OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL SCIENCE. Vol. 30, Issue 9 (September 2003), 1175.
Fitzpatrick, Scott M. "Shellfish Assemblages from Two Limestone Quarries in the Palau Islands." JOURNAL OF ETHNOBIOLOGY. Vol. 23, No. 1 (Spring/Summer 2003), 101-123.
Fitzpatrick, Scott M. STONES OF THE BUTTERFLY: AN ARCHAEOLOGICAL INVESTIGATION OF YAPESE STONE MONEY QUARRIES IN PALAU, WESTERN CAROLINE ISLANDS, MICRONESIA. A dissertation. Ann Arbor: University of Microfilms International, June 2003. 375. (photocopy).
Fitzpatrick, S.M. "Early Human Burials in the Western Pacific: Evidence for a c.3000 Year Old Occupation in Palau." ANTIQUITY. Vol. 77, Issue 298 (December 2003), 719-731.
Fitzpatrick, Scott M., Greg C. Nelson & Ryan Reeves. "The Prehistoric Chewing of Betel Nut (Areca Catechu) in Western Micronesia." PEOPLE AND CULTURE IN OCEANIA. Vol. 19 (2003), 55-65.
Flynn, Ryan. "Palau's Future! Paved in Concrete." DIRECTIONS. (April 2003), 13-22. photocopy.
Freycinet, Louis Claude de. AN ACCOUNT OF THE CORVETTE L'URAINE'S SOJOURN AT THE MARIANA ISLANDS, 1819. Occasional Historical Papers No. 13. Saipan: CNMI: Division of Historic Preservation Office & MARC, 2003. 349.
FSM National Division of Education et al. "Report of the Pohnpei State: Performance Based Budgeting and Accountability Workshop on January 13-14, 2003 at the Cliff Rainbow Hotel, Pohnpei, FSM. FSM National Government, Division of Education, Pohnpei, 2003. 27.
FSM National Government, Department of Economic Affairs. "Consumer Price Index, Federated States of Micronesia." Third Quarter 2003, Volume 5. FSM National Government, Department of Economic Affairs, Palikir, Pohnpei, December 2003. 13.
FSM National Government. "International Visitor Arrivals, Federated States of Micronesia, July 2002 to September 2003." FSM National Government, Department of Economic Affairs, Palikir, Pohnpei, October 2003. 10.
FSM National Government, Department of Health, Education and Social Affairs. HISTORIC PRESERVATION FUND GRANT ANNUAL REPORT FOR FISCAL YEAR 2002.FSM National Government, Department of Health, Education and Social Affairs, Palikir, Pohnpei, April 30, 2003. Varied paging.
FSM Supreme Court. FSM DIGEST, FSM TABLE OF CASES AND FSM UPDATER FOR VOLUMES 1 THROUGH 10 OF THE FSM INTERIM REPORTER. 2003 Edition. Palikir, Pohnpei, Publications Department FSM Supreme Court, 2003. 801.
FSM National Government. "International Visitors Arrivals Federated States of Micronesia data up to March 2003." FSM, National Government, Department of Economic Affairs, June 2003. 23.
FSM National Government, Division of Statistics. "Consumer Price Index, Federated States of Micronesia: 1st Quarter 2001 to 3rd Quarter 2003." Volume 3. FSM National Government, Division of Statistics, March 2003. 8.
German Technical Cooperation and Secretariat of the Pacific Community. "The Lost Paradise: A Picture Book for Young People on the Importance of Forests In Our Lives." Secretariat of the Pacific Community and German Technical Cooperation, Suva, Fiji, 2003. 19.
Gleason, S.M., K.C. Ewal, et. al. "Soil Redox Conditions and Plant-soil Relationships in a Micronesian Mangrove Forest." ESTUARINE, COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE. Vol. 56, No. 5 (April 2003).
Golbuu, Y., S. Victor, et. al. "Trapping of fine Sediment in a Semi-Enclosed Bay, Palau, Micronesia." ESTUARINE, COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE. Vol. 57, No. 5 (August 2003).
Grynberg, R. "WTO Fisheries Subsidies Negotiations: Implications for Fisheries Access Arrangements and Sustainable Management." MARINE POLICY. Vol. 27, No. 6 (November 2003), 499-511.
Hage, Per & Jeff Marck. "Matrilineality and the Melanesian Origin of Polynesian Y Chromosomes."CURRENT ANTHROPOLOGY. Vol. 44, Supplement (December 2003), 121-127.
Hanlon, David "Beyond 'The English Method of Tattooing': Decentering the Practice of History in Oceania." THE CONTEMPORARY PACIFIC. Vol. 15, No. 1 (Spring 2003), 19-40.
Hart, Kevin. "Compact Dollar Amounts and Dollar Values Compared." Unpublished paper. May 17, 2003. 25.
Hedson, J.S., D.A. Pearson, et. al. "Telemedicine Success in the United States Associated Pacific Islands." TELEMEDICINE JOURNAL AND E-HEALTH. Vol. 9, No. 1(March 2003), 95-101.
Heine, Hilda C. & Emi Chutaro. A DOUBLE-EDGED SWORD; A STUDY OF THE IMPACTS OF EXTERNAL EDUCATIONAL AID TO THE REPUBLIC OF THE MARSHALLS. Honolulu: Pacific Resources for Education and Learning (PREL), OCTOBER 2003. 60.
Hezel, Francis X. "Rough Seas Ahead: The FSM Economy During Compact II" MICRONESIAN COUNSELOR. Issue 44 (January 15, 2003). 15.
Hezel, Francis X. "Power or Partnership? Making the New Compact Work." MICRONESIAN COUNSELOR. Issue 45 (February 3, 2003). 14.
Hezel, Francis X. "Power or Partnership? Making the New Compact Work." (In Japanese)SOUTH PACIFIC. No, 264 (2003), 24-34.
Hezel, Francis X. "Power or Partnership?" PACIFIC MAGAZINE. Vol. 28, No. 6 (June 2003), p16.
Hezel, Francis X. "How Tough Was Your Dad?." MICRONESIAN COUNSELOR. Issue 48 (December 5, 2003). 11.
Hughes, Helen. "Aid Has Failed the Pacific." ISSUE ANALYSIS. No. 33 (May 7, 2003), 31. photocopy
Inoue, Yukiko. "Reflection: Teaching in an American Pacific Island University." JOURNAL OF THE PACIFIC SOCIETY. Vol. 26, No. 1 (2003), 88-90.
Inoue, Yukiko, John Sanchez & Olympia Terral. "Contemporary Chamorro Adult Male Identity and Development." JOURNAL OF THE PACIFIC SOCIETY. Vol. 26, No. 1 (2003), 83-97.
Iriyama, Akira. "An Evaluation of 'The Cultural and Historic Preservation Training Project for the Micronesian Region' and a Fact Finding Report into Aid for Cultural Heritage Project in this Region." The Sasakawa Foundation, Tokyo, Japan, 2003. 178.
Iyechad, Lilli Perez. "Helping Practices Among the Chamorro of Guam: Modernity, Merchandise and Money." In Lan-Hung Nora Chiang, John Lidstone, Rebecca Stephenson, eds. GLOBAL PROCESSES, LOCAL IMPACTS: THE EFFECTS OF GLOBALIZATION IN THE PACIFIC-ASIA REGION. [See: 360 C21] Guam: University of Guam, 2003. 25-30.
Jeffery, Bill. "War in Paradise: World War II sites in Truk Lagoon, Chuuk, Federated States of Micronesia." Weno, Chuuk: Chuuk Historic Preservation Office, 2003. 27.
Johnson, Giff. "Empire In the Sun." PACIFIC MAGAZINE. Vol. 28, No. 8/Issue 176 (August 2003), 20-22.
K.W. Krauss, J.A. Allen, et. al. "Differential Rates of Vertical Accrection and Elevation Change Among Aerial Root Types in Micronesian Mangrove Forests." ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE. Vol. 56, Issue 2 (February 2003), 251-259.
Kataoka, Osamu. "The Island of Pohnpei, Again: Trip for Gathering Ethno-archaeological Information." (In Japanese) MANDA. (2002-2003), 64-67; 64-70; 60-67
Kelin, Daniel. MARSHALL ISLANDS: LEGENDS AND STORIES. Honolulu: Bess Press, 2003. 252.
Kikusawa, Ritsuko. "Did Proto-Oceanians Cultivate Cystosperma Taro?" PEOPLE AND CULTURE IN OCEANIA. Vol. 19 (2003), 29-54.
King, Michael, Ueta Fa'asili & Semisi Fakahau. "SPC Regional Policy Meeting on Coastal Fisheries Management (Nadi, Fiji Islands, 17-21 March 2003). Report of meeting. Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Noumea, New Caledonia, 2003. 34.
Kitao, Mitsutoshi, Utsugi, Hajime. "Light-Independent Photosynthetic Characteristics Indicated by Chlorophyll Fluorescence in Five Mangrove Species Native to Pohnpei Island, Micronesia." PHYSIOLOGIA PLANTARUM. Vol. 117, Issue 3 (March 2003), 376.
Knudson, Marilyn. "First 'Foreigners' to sail to the Caroline Islands." A paper prepared for Prof. D.A. Ballendorf, MI 599 Readings. Unpublished paper. (Fall Semester 2003), 3.
Krauss, K.W., and J.A. Allen. "Factors Influencing the Regeneration of the Mangrove Bruguiera Gymnorrhiza on a Tropical Island." FOREST ECOLOGY AND MANAGEMENT. Vol. 176, No. 1(March 2003), 49-60.
Kroll, Gary. "The Pacific Science Board in Micronesia: Science, Government, and Conservation on the Post-War Pacific Frontier." MINERVA. Vol. 41, Issue 1(March 2003), 25.
Kuhaulua, Rie L., K.L. Braun, H.M. Ichiho, N.T. Aitaoto. "Adapting a Planning Process for Community-Based Diabetes Programs in the Pacific." A paper prepared to be published in Pacific Health Dialog. March 2003. 21.
Lawson, Timothy A. ed. TUNA FISHERY YEARBOOK 2002. Secretariat of the Pacific Community, Noumea, New Caledonia, 2003. 172.
Lee, T.G., S.M. Lee, et. al. "Paleomagnetic of Seamounts in the Vicinity of Ogasawara Fracture Zone Northwest of the Marshall Islands, Wester Pacific." EARTH PLANETS AND SPACE. Vol. 55, Issue 6 (2003), 355-360.
Lincoln International. MOBILIZING LAND IN THE REPUBLIC OF THE MARSHALL ISLANDS: INCEPTION REPORT. TA 3941-RMI. Lincoln International, May 2003. 19 + appendices.
Lindborg, Cris. "The Ebeye Story." Marshallese Cultural Center, Majuro, Marshalls, c2003. 6. photocopy
Lowe, Edward. "Elements of Globalization in the Micronesian Suicide Epidemic." A paper presented at the Annual Meetings of the American Anthropology Association, 2003. Chicago. Unpublished paper. University of California at Los Angeles, 2003. 6 + graphs.
Lukan, Joel. "The Exchange System in Yap and Its Subsequent Changes." A research paper for anthropology course requirement at the University of Guam. Unpublished paper. University of Guam, 2003. 27.
MacLeod, Ian Donald. METAL CORROSION IN CHUUK LAGOON: A SURVEY OF IRON SHIPWRECKS AND ALUMINUM AIRCRAFT. Historic Preservation Office and US National Park Services, US Department of Interior, September 2003. 90.
March, J.G., J.P. Benstead, et. al. "Benthic Community Structure and Invertebrate Drift in a Pacific Island Stream, Kosrae, Micronesia." BIOTROPICA. Vol. 35, Issue 1(2003), 38-44.
Marsh-Kautz, Kelly G., Leon Gulibert & Bruce P. Wheatley. "Connecting Local and International, Exploring the Pressing Mongkii (Monkey) Issues of Ngeaur, Beluu er a Belau (Angaur, Republic of Palau). In Lan-Hung Nora Chiang, John Lidstone & Rebecca Stephenson, eds. GLOBAL PROCESSES…..PACIFIC-ASIA REGION. Guam: University of Guam, 2003. 79-86.
Marshall Islands National Telecommunications Authority. "Marshall Islands National Telecommunications Authority 2003 Annual Report." Republic of the Marshall Islands, Marshall Islands Telecommunications Authority, 2003. 42.
Matsumoto, Kazuko. "Investigating the Sociolinguistic Gender Paradox in a Multilingual Community: A Case Study from the Republic of Palau." INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BILINGUALISM. Vol. 7, Issue 2 (2003), 127.
Mau Piailug Society. "Grand Master Navigator Dr. Pius Mau Piailug." Voyaging Canoe Project. Mau Piailug Society, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2003. computer printout
McPhetres, S.F. "Northern Mariana Islands." CONTEMPORARY PACIFIC. Vol. 15, Issue 1(2003), 162-166.
Melk-Koch, Marion. "Kava und Noni – Lifestyle-Heilmittel aus dem Pazifik." METTEILUNGEN DER BERLINER GESELLSCHAFT FUR ANTHROPOLOGIE, ETHNOLOGIE UND URGESCHICHTE. Vol. 24 (2003), 55-68.
Murray, Sandy, Henry Falan, Araceli Hidalgo. "Sport and Health Education: Grade 7."Yap SEED New Baseline Curriculum, Colonia, Yap, 2003. 18.
Murray, Sandy. SPORT AND HEALTH RESOURCE BOOK. Teacher's guide for Grade 6. Yap State Education Department, Yap, FSM, March 2003. 242.
Nakajima, Hiroshi. SAIPAN AND GUAM: MUSEOLOGY OF LIGHT AND SHADE. (In Japanese)Tokyo, Japan: Gendaisho-kan, 2003. 308.
Namikoshi, M., R. Negishi, et al. "Three New Chlorine Containing Antibiotics from a Marine-derived Fungus Aspergillus Ostainus Collected in Pohnpei." JOURNAL OF ANTIBIOTICS. Vol. 56, Issue 9 (September 2003), 755-761.
National Oceanic Resource Management Authority. "Report for Calendar Years 2001 and 2002." FSM National Government, NORMA, 2003. 49.
National Association of Social Workers Guam Chapter. "First Annual NASW Regional Training Conference Co-Sponsored by NASW-GU & AIMFTG, Hilton Guam Resort and Spa, April 30-May 2, 2003." National Family Caregiver Support Program, Guam, 2003. 40.
Nicloy, Scott C. "Shame and Addiction in Pohnpeian and Tlingit Societies." Unpublished paper. Westbrook University, c2003. 82.
Okinawa Prefecture Office, Board of Education. HISTORY OF OKINAWA: SERIES OF DATA OF JAPANESE MANDATED ISLANDS IN THE SOUTH SEA (NANYO GUNTO). Data No. 17, Modern Times. Board of Education, Okinawa Prefectural Office, Okinawa, Japan, 2003.
Okinawa Prefecture Office, Board of Education. LIST OF NAMES OF SURRENDER IN SAIPAN AN TINIAN JAPANESE SOLDIERS. Data No. 17, Modern Times. Board of Education, Okinawa Prefectural Office, Okinawa, Japan, 2003.
Olsudong, Rita., Calvin T. Emesiochel and Errolflynn T. Kloulechad. "Inventory of Cultural and Historical Sites and Oral History of Hatohobei and Sonsorol States." Bureau of Arts and Culture, Palau, 2003. 82+appendices. (photocopy)
Ombrello, Mark Alan. TEMPERING MERCURY: THE SHOICHI UEDA STORY. MA thesis, University of Guam. Unpublished thesis, August 2003. 159. (photocopy)
Pacific Resources for Education and Learning. "2003 Annual Report: Pacific Resources for Education and Learning." Pacific Resources for Education and Learning, Honolulu, Hawaii, 2003. 24.
Palafox, N.A., M.V. Gamble, et. al. "Vitamin A Deficiency, Iron Deficiency, and Anemia among Preschool Children in the Republic of the Marshall Islands." NUTRITION. Vol. 19, No. 5 (May 2003), 405-408.
Palau Community College. PALAU COMMUNITY COLLEGE COOPERATIVE RESEARCH AND EXTENSION 2000 ANNUAL REPORT. PCC-CRE Publication 23/00.Koror, Palau, Palau Community College & Cooperative Research & Extension Publication, 2003. 22.
Patacsil, Peter E. "U.S. Navy Sailing Vessels in the Western Pacific." JOURNAL OF THE PACIFIC SOCIETY. Vol. 26, No. 1 (2003), 55-64.
Peace Corps Micronesia. "PST Training Chuukese Language 2003." Peace Corps Micronesia, FSM, 2003. unpaged.
Perez, Michael P. "Chamorro Ambivalence and Diaspora: Beyond U.S. Racial Formations." In Lan-Hung Nora Chiang, John Lidstone & Rebecca Stephenson, eds. GLOBAL PROCESSES, LOCAL IMPACTS: THE EFFECTS OF GLOBALIZATION IN THE PACIFIC-ASIA REGION. [See: 360 C21] Guam: University of Guam, 2003. 31-44.
Perez, Karri Trahin. POHNPEIANS AT WORK: FROM MONOCULTURAL COMPETENCE TO BICULTURAL FLUENCY. PhD dissertation, Fielding Graduate Institute. Ann Arbor: University of Microfilms International, 2003. 185. (photocopy)
Petrosian-Husa, Carmen C.H., Melson Miko and Moline Smaserui. "Inventory of Cultural and Historical Sites and Collection of Oral History in Hatohobei and Sonsorol States." Volume II: Collection of Oral History. Draft. Bureau of Arts and Culture, Palau, December 2003. 62.
Pettit, G.R., and R. Tan. "Antineoplastic Agents 390: Isoloation and Structure of Phakellistatin 12 from a Chuuk Archipelago Marine Sponge." BIOORGANIC AND MEDICINAL CHEMISTRY LETTERS. Vol. 13, No. 4 (February 2003), 685-688.
Pobocik, R.S., J.C. Benavente, et. al. "Pregnant Adolescents in Guam Consume Diets low in Calcium and other Micronutrients." JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN DIETETIC ASSOCIATION. Vol. 103, Issue 5 (May 2003), 611-614.
Pretrick, Eliuel K., Midion Neth & Makir Keller. SPECIAL EDUCATION PROGRAM ANNUAL PERFORMANCE REPORT SCHOOL YEAR 2002-2003." FSM National Government, Department of Health, Education & Social Affairs Special Education Program, Palikir, Pohnpei, 2002-2003. varied pages.
Prokop, Michaela. MILLENNIUM DEVELOPMENT GOALS IN THE PACIFIC: RELEVANCE AND PROGRESS. Manila, Philippines: Asian Development Bank, Mach 2003. 56.
Quinn, N.J., and B.L. Kojis. "The Dynamics of Coral Reef Community Structure and Recruitment Patterns Around Rota, Saipan, and Tinian, Western Pacific." BULLETIN OF MARINE SCIENCE. Vol. 72, Issue 3 (May 2003), 979-996.
Radway, Scott. "Defining Moment: An Interview with Palau's President Remengesau."PACIFIC MAGAZINE. Vol. 28, No. 4/Issue 172 (April 2003), 16-17.
Rainbird, Paul. "Taking the Tapu: Defining Micronesia by Absence." THE JOURNAL OF PACIFIC HISTORY. Vol. 38, No. 2 (2003), 237-250. reprint
Remengesau, Francesca Kedlaol. A HISTORY OF THE PALAU COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION OF GUAM, 1948 TO 1997. MA thesis. Unpublished thesis. University of Guam, May 2003. 108. photocopy
Republic of Palau Supreme Court. "Palau Judiciary: Staff Directory 2003." Palau Judiciary, Republic of Palau, 2003. 31.
Robinson, W.L., C. L. Conrado, et. al. "The Effective and Environmental Half-Life of 137Cs at Coral Islands at the Former US Nuclear Test Site." JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RADIO ACTIVITY. Vol. 69, No. 3 (2003), 207-223.
Robinson, Roger. ROBERT LOUIS STEVENSON: HIS BEST PACIFIC WRITINGS. Honolulu: Bess Press, 2003. 320.
Rodgers, Patricia, Marcus Samo & Jefferson Benjamin. "Federated States of Micronesia Health Sector Report 2003." Final report for TA No. 4171, FSM National Strategic Plan. Asian Development Bank, Manila, Philippines, November 2003. 46.
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