Economic Capacity Building in FSM
Francis X. Hezel, SJ
Presentation on Guam
Video Listings
Micronesian Counselors
Feast and Famine: US Assistance and the Compact Funding Outlook
Francis X. Hezel, SJ
US funding assistance to FSM for the next two years and the Compact funding outlook.
Power or Partnership? Making Compact II Work
Francis X. Hezel, SJ
A critique of the US strong-arm stance as the terms of the next Compact are negotiated.
February 2003 COMPACT
Rough Seas Ahead: The FSM Economy During Compact II
Francis X. Hezel, SJ
A forecast of FSM’s economic future for the next twenty years and beyond.
How Much is Enough? US Aid and Free Association
Francis X. Hezel, SJ
Island governments are neglecting the long-range vision of self-reliance in their attempt to gain access to US federal programs.
Marianas Variety, 22 March 1985 and 29 March 1985. Also published in: Marshall Islands Journal, 12 April 1985; Journal of Pacific Society, No. 18, October 1985; Pacifica, No. 12, April 1985. COMPACT