Francis X. Hezel, SJ
Talk at the Micronesian Cultural Exchange Festival, Honolulu
Introduction to Palau Population Issues
Francis X. Hezel, SJ
Presentation at the Palau National Population Policy Leadership Conference
March 1996 MIGRATION
Digital Information Flow--In and Out
Francis X. Hezel, SJ
Presentation at Sasakawa Foundation symposium Tokyo
Video Listings
Micronesian Counselors
Micronesian Migration Since World War II
Jay Dobbin and Francis X. Hezel, SJ
Selection of short articles by different authors on migration from the islands to Guam and the US.
August 1996 MIGRATION
Augustine Kohler and Eugenia Samuel
Reviews the problems that Micronesian emigrants face when moving to the US for jobs and education.
Francis X. Hezel, SJ and Eugenia Samuel
Report on a visit to Micronesian communities in the US with reflections on lessons learned.
Survey of FSM Migrants to the US Including Guam and CNMI
Francis X. Hezel
Survey of the FSM migrant population together with their living conditions and financial status.
Micronesians on the Move: Eastward and Upward Bound
Francis X. Hezel, SJ
Summary of a survey of FSM migrants along with a brief history of post-Compact migration.
Pacific Islands Policy No 9, Honolulu: East-West Center, 2013, 49 pp. MIGRATION
New Trends in Micronesian Migration
Francis X. Hezel, SJ, with Michael Levin
Survey of changing patterns of migration ten years after the Compact.
Pacific Studies, Vol. 19, No. 1, March, 1996: 91-114 MIGRATION
A Second Look at FSM Migration to Guam
Francis X. Hezel, SJ
Review of migration data in view of a recent Guam bill to limit welfare benefits to migrants.
Unpublished. 13 May 1995 MIGRATION
The Great Flight Northward: FSM Migration to Guam
Francis X. Hezel, SJ, with Thomas McGrath
Analysis of migration to Guam during the first years of the Compact.
Islander: Pacific Daily News, 22 January 1989: 5-9. Also published in: Pacific Studies, Vol. 13, No. 1, November 1989: 47-64. MIGRATION
Micronesian Emigration: The Brain Drain in Palau, Marshalls and the Federated States
Francis X. Hezel, SJ, with Michael Levin
Historical survey of migration from the early trusteeship.
Migration and Development in the South Pacific. Edited by John Connell, Canberra: Australian National University, 1990: 42-60. Also published in: Journal of Pacific Society. No. 35, July 1987: 16-34. MIGRATION